Club 600


Well-Known Member
Thanks, me too and I owe it to Chaka. He totally hooked me up by gifting me 12 clones total. It will make my second run happen in the room as I plan to veg these for a couple of weeks before bringing them over here. There should be room to veg them where they are now until then.

I haven't yet decided if I'm going to clone the Hericheese again or not. I will take cuts from the female Peacocks and the Chemdog to keep them going. Everything else is up ion the air at the moment.


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I've been checking in on them once each day. Making sure they were cool with coming out of the dome and stuff. So far so good and the reveg MK plants look good too. They didn't have nearlyu the root structure when I checked as the Chakas All stars did. Those were a little root bound I think and should green up good now that they can stretch out a bit in the new pots.


Well-Known Member
So it's looking like God is working in my favor.

My attorney told me on Friday that he has spoke with the DA and as much as they aren't wanting to it looks like they are going to have to drop charges as the warrant was issued after I was already in custody which in return made my paperwork not served in 72 hours and the whole search and seizure was done without a warrant.

I'll know more for sure next week, but please God let this work


Well-Known Member
Hey good to see ya around Jig, for some reason if feel like you ain't been around much? Or am I wrong? :-)
Sorry to hear about the struggles with your neighbor, try and keep your head up brother.

Good to hear gigs, glad things are working in your favor.

The weed stank is getting stronger and stronger every day out here ;-) With my neighbors big ass garden only a couple hundred yards away I wake up every morning to the smell of dank wafting through the yurt I live in :-) it's wonderful.



Well-Known Member
I went out and got a little sumpin'-sumpin' for the 4 or 5 bird families living in one of our spruce trees:
A bird bath, and a feeder...


And I made sure to put a rock (piece of concrete splash-scrap from the fence job) in the bottom for them to safely perch on.
There's only an inch of water, but a bird wouldn't know that, and might choose not to find out. The rock let's them know it's all good in the spideyhood.




Well-Known Member
I'm not growing and have nothing but baby and music news, so I mostly just lurk. Unless I just can't contain myself.

Been thinking of growing again after the county stuff blows over. I definitely want to grow again before we move. We are pretty set on July next year to be headed East.


Well-Known Member
your cat will love her new dining area.

We keep our cats 100% indoor only. :-)
But today she was tracking a bird outside of the sliding screen door and when it flew off she lept at it, forgetting there was a screen door there and ended up arms & legs spread wide in pounce position about my chest height, velcro'd to the mesh with her claws until she gave up and let go.


Well-Known Member
I'm not growing and have nothing but baby and music news, so I mostly just lurk. Unless I just can't contain myself.

Been thinking of growing again after the county stuff blows over. I definitely want to grow again before we move. We are pretty set on July next year to be headed East.
Dang, jig!
East, eh?
Well, less chance of drought & wildfire.
Hope you get cool neighbors this time.


Well-Known Member
Also, I signed up on to see about online collabs & jams.
It's a new website, and has some teething pains, but it has promise.
Has musicians & singers of all styles & skill levels.
I've been actually standing up when I play my bass again!!!
Haven't been able to that in almost 5 years.
Felt good, too. :-)
I notice that I play much more aggressively when standing, so I'm going to have to make that adjustment.
But it's a bonus when playing the kinds of music I play.
Going to get some heavy casters for my amp, and/or a moving dolly for it so I can look for musicians to jam with this coming Fall & Winter.
Or trade it in and get two much lighter Fender Rumble v3 100 amps (100watt with 12" speaker) so I can run stereo sound, with clean sound on one amp and FX (basically just distortion & drive for FX when doing stereo bass, maybe a bit of delay or chorus, that type of scene) on the other one at the same time.
Allows for amazingly full bass sounds when done like that.
Helps it cut through the mix, no matter what is going on with everyone else.
They are about 30-lbs lighter than my Peavey TNT 115.

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Well-Known Member
And Jig, that's not junk news IMO! Would love to hear how things are going for ya in normal life, but feel ya at the same time.

Another good days work in on the vineyard. I hate to say it but they needed someone like me here,,,, got here in June and all kinds of shit was wacko,,, since then all the vines are doing much better. Being around sick/struggling plants of any kind never fails to depress me,,, gift and a curse but more a gift. I-Love-This-Shit.