Way too much rain here...


Active Member
I cant even feed them. They are in pots and grow bags, hopefully lots of perlite and crystals in the mix. But it rains hard each 3-4 days, with sunny days in between (im in Quebec).

Anyway, can i still feed even if they dont need water? What do you guys suggest?

Ive got 20-20-20 but my mix is a nice organic one including guano, shrimp compost and blood meal.


Well-Known Member
Bonjour. If you were to sprinkle the normal dose per plant on the top of the medium the rain should disperse it into the soil. I would not mix nutes and pour on. Too much water I think. It's only an educated guess. I hope this helps.
No I do not speak french. Mon mere is from Trois Rivieres.


Active Member
all right, thanks for the advice. You dont think that direct nutes sprinkled over would burn the roots?


Active Member
WTF is this summer???? Huge thunderstorms today Everything is soaked. im so pissed. Cant transplant with this weather and im worried about the plants. damn it.


Active Member
There is an unusual flood in my region, I rescued the plants from drowning with scuba mask, digging carefully from the mud with bare hand. Even the top of the 120 cm high plants were underwater for 2 days but they survived :shock:
Crazy weather.