Should the US support Israel forever ?

Should the US support Israel, no matter what?

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How far do you want to drag this discussion off topic to serve your agenda?

None of it matters.

Israel has the right to survive and defend itself. For some reason you seem to think that the development of land gives the Palestinians the right and duty to attack Israel.

My position is that until Hamas/Palestine stops attacking Israel then there can be no discussion. I am to the point that if Israel chose to forcibly relocate every Arab out of the region I would not be against it.

My agenda? Keep lapping up the force fed garbage from fox and the like. You do understand it's legal for your government to run propaganda operations against your citizens don't you?

Your position would be strengthened by doing your homework on the origins of Fatah and Hamas - another gift from the Anglo American hegemony. Remember Israel is doing what it does because some stupid book said you can come live here.

Would you be justified in stealing your neighbors land because sky daddy and his/her book said so? Even with the allied invasions and occupations of recent years the aim was not securing land to transfer your civilian populace to - in the form of a settlement.

Palestinians have every right to protest in a non-violent manner. They have every right to resist occupation - which is by the way not limited to Palestinians, but every person on this planet.

It's the inner yearning to be free - as an American I know you understand this concept.
I'm forever for Israel... I'm Mexican American I'm for Israel and humanity no mater the color or gender always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't like it you can suck my cock and its not free!!!
I'm forever for Israel... I'm Mexican American I'm for Israel and humanity no mater the color or gender always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't like it you can suck my cock and its not free!!!

So you know all about jumping borders?

Apartheid and humanity don't go together moron
Your moms a moron and your dads a gay call me daddy son!! If your sorry ass won in the race of your moms vagina amongst all the other sperm man I feel sorry for your dad bad Bach of sperm!!!
The only boarder I jumped was your girlfriend g string panty line I just moved it to the side!!! Y does the kid look Mexican??
Your moms a moron and your dads a gay call me daddy son!!
You sound like you've benefited from a Mexican education...

I sound like I benefit from your moms pussy and your sisters too LolzLolz don't blame your girl friend if she slips and land on my dick its just and an oops