The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
He's bang on! Pseudoscience mumbo jumbo up in da hizzay

If you do go to a chiropractor ask him to align your chakras while he's at it lol
nah u got the wrong freaks, they crunch ya bones believing them to be out of place, chakra balancing is summin dif lol


Well-Known Member
Fuck em all off an go to a specialist or sports physiotherapist, mum saw one for years after an an industrial accident at work (frozen shoulder/nerve damage etc etc) and in less than 15mins he would sort her shoulder out properly n it would lasyt for weeks/months before she needed to go back for another appointment, whereas the local doctors/hospital, after numerous courses of drugs and various bullshit techniques spanning over 5 years didnt manage to even give my mum 1% of pain relief or help for it


Well-Known Member
I know was trying to emphasise how ridiculous chiropractory is lol
question for ya, if i can see energy fields chakras etc when im tripping on mushies, acid dmt and ayahuasca does it mean they dont exist cos im only tripping or that the trip lets me see something i otherwise couldnt?


Well-Known Member
question for ya, if i can see energy fields chakras etc when im tripping on mushies, acid dmt and ayahuasca does it mean they dont exist cos im only tripping or that the trip lets me see something i otherwise couldnt?
I personally think it would come down to the individuals philosophical bent
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Well-Known Member
Random one for ya`s

also here is the owner details from the CAA database, make of what you will lol........

Registration Details

Mark:G-BVJT Current Reg. Date:06/03/2003
Previous ID:NEW FRANCE De-Reg. Date:
Status:Registered To:
Select this link to view the Full Registration History of this aircraft
Aircraft Details

Serial No.:0073
ICAO 24 bit aircraft address:Binary: 0100_00_000_001_00_0100010110
Hex: 401116
Octal: 20010426

Popular Name:CARAVAN II
Generic Name:406
EASA Category:CS-23A: Normal Category Aeroplane
Engines (Propellers):2: 1 x PRATT & WHITNEY CANADA PT6A-112 ( MCCAULEY 3GFR34C701B/93KB-0 )

MTOW:4468kg Total Hours:5384 at 31/12/2013
Year Built:1994
Approved Maint. Programme:None
CofA / Permit:EASA Certificate of Airworthiness EASA ARC Expiry:29/03/2015
Validity Reference:G-BVJT/UK.MG.0080/26032014
Owner Details

Ownership Status:Owned
Registered Owners:ANDREW JAY

Third Party Insurance Information

Insurance Evidence
Verified Date:28/01/2013 Date of "No Flight"
Select this link for an estimate of the Minimum Insurance Requirements for this aircraft
Noise Certification Information

Noise Certificate Date:11/03/2009 Certificated to
ICAO Annex 16:Chapter 06

Aircraft Photographs

Notice all the covered windows


Well-Known Member
Further article linked to this.....

Met Police spends millions of pounds on secret aircraft
The Metropolitan Police has secret spy planes capable of eavesdropping on mobile phone calls from the sky.

By Jason Lewis, Investigations Editor, and Andy Blackmore

9:00PM BST 29 Oct 2011

The existence of the fleet of planes - each costing at least £3 million to purchase and hundreds of thousands more to operate - has never been publicly disclosed.

The police have being using the planes since at least 1997.

The disclosure of the spending, which is not detailed in official accounts, comes as the police face 20 per cent cuts in their budget, creating fears that hundreds of support staff will lose their jobs and the number of officers reduced.

Despite the cuts the Met's secret fixed wing aircraft fleet is still flying regular sorties over London from a base at Farnborough airfield, in Hampshire.

The planes have apparently been fitted with secret surveillance equipment capable of intercepting mobile phone calls or eavesdropping on conversations.

They are understood to be similar to surveillance planes available to MI5 which have been used in anti-terrorism operations and were used to help West Midlands Police track suspects connected to a plot to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier.

One of the planes is a Cessna F04, which can carry up to 14 passengers or be fitted with specially integrated patrol mission packs. We have been asked not to disclose full details of the aircraft on security grounds.

The twin engine craft are operated separately from the Met's Air Support Unit which has three helicopters and flies hundreds of hours a month in support of police operations around the capital at a cost of £3 million a year.

Last week a Metropolitan Police spokesman refused to discuss its use of the fixed wing aircraft but insisted it has gone through a "full" procurement process.

However members of the Metropolitan Police Authority, which scrutinises the force's spending said they had never been told of the existence of the aircraft.

According to Civil Aviation Authority records, the aircraft is registered to a firm called Nor Leasing.

There is no trace of the firm on any other official record and its business address registered with the CAA is actually a branch of Mail Boxes Etc, which offers a virtual office services and mail forwarding, in Surbiton, south-west London.

Another Cessna was also previously registered to Nor Leasing at the same address and at another service address in Kensington, west London.

In 1997 one of the original individuals listed as "trading as" Nor Leasing was John Carnt who at the time was a senior Metropolitan Police detective.

Superintendent Carnt was the then head of the Serious and Economic Crime Group, which was set up to combat major fraud, money laundering and art and antiques thefts.

The pattern of hidden spending is believed to have been established by Tony Williams, a former assistant finance director at Scotland Yard, who established a secret web of companies for use in specialist undercover operations.

But Mr Williams also used the same techniques to steal millions of pounds from the force to set himself up as a bogus Scottish "laird". Williams was accused of stealing more than £4 million from Scotland Yard. He was jailed for seven years in 1995.

Metropolitan Police Authority member James Cleverly last night said he was totally unaware that the Met had any fixed wing aircraft.

Mr Cleverly, who also sits on the authority's counter terrorism and protective services committee, which examines the force's covert work, said: "This is not something that I have been made aware of or have had the opportunity to scrutinise.

"In the light of the tight financial situation we are facing and the cuts being imposed on the police service it is imperative that we examine any assets that could be construed as a 'luxury'.

"I would expect full disclosure of details of this to the MPA to enable us to examine whether it represents good value for money for the police service."


Well-Known Member
question for ya, if i can see energy fields chakras etc when im tripping on mushies, acid dmt and ayahuasca does it mean they dont exist cos im only tripping or that the trip lets me see something i otherwise couldnt?
Not getting into this but no, no I dont...

Lol tbh bud I think it doesn't exist and you're just high. I've heard your story's but I personally don't believe in anything supernatural ie ghosts,god,unicorns,a generous scottish man or anything like that....makes you appreciate the he'll out of this life when you're an atheist lol
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Well-Known Member
Its certainly more believeable to me that human beings have energy fields an the like, modern science has already proved that most living things be it animal/mineral/vegetable have some form of magnetic/electrical/ultrasonic/auditory signals that they emit so why not humans?

Exact same thing as a when you bleed in the water and a shark 20miles away picks up on it n starts coming for ya, your blood contacting the water creates an electrical signature that the sharks are tuned into.....they dont just "happen" to find you


Well-Known Member
science is the new religion, i blame the germans and their quest to be able to make perfect sense of everything.

the metric system is just the start, mark my words we'll be sorry.

ice i'd love a dip in your pool, so long as you aint pissed in it