Ass-play girl in appt 13...


Well-Known Member
Um....your just all full-o rapie connotations.

I'm sure you had to get them drunk to get over their inhibitions about anal, and not to get them in the state where they "don't know what hole you are sticking it in".

I hope...because I really liked ya! BUT - not so into the people that ply others with alcohol in order to use their bums as a cum depository.

Just sayin...
Remember Yessica you're on the interweb, so it's hard to realize you're being sarcastic/ kidding when you type that. I know you are, because there's not too many people out there who aren't into rape of some kind.


Well-Known Member
Remember Yessica you're on the interweb, so it's hard to realize you're being sarcastic/ kidding when you type that. I know you are, because there's not too many people out there who aren't into rape of some kind.

I don't wanna make this all serious-face or anything. But this is my statement:

If you have ever had sexual relations with someone where you were of sound mind and body, and THEY were not, I don't think that's right.

I think sex, should be consentual. I don't give a fuck if your having sex in your private shame-dungeon with whips and ticklers, and all that jazz.

I just think everyone involved - should WANT to be there.

You can't rape the willing.

Porn rape fantasies, are just that - fantasies.

If you actually want to rape someone, that is not sex. That is using your power to hurt someone else.

I will never, ever, think that is ok. EVER.

Get it?


Well-Known Member

I don't wanna make this all serious-face or anything. But this is my statement:

If you have ever had sexual relations with someone where you were of sound mind and body, and THEY were not, I don't think that's right.

I think sex, should be consentual. I don't give a fuck if your having sex in your private shame-dungeon with whips and ticklers, and all that jazz.

I just think everyone involved - should WANT to be there.

You can't rape the willing.

Porn rape fantasies, are just that - fantasies.

If you actually want to rape someone, that is not sex. That is using your power to hurt someone else.

I will never, ever, think that is ok. EVER.

Get it?
Nope, I don't get it. This is a weed forum in the toke and talk section. We're all fucking with you. Do you get it?
Settle down, get to the politics section and start changing the world. Over here in stonerville no one cares about your angry rant.


Well-Known Member

Nope, I don't get it. This is a weed forum in the toke and talk section. We're all fucking with you. Do you get it?
Settle down, get to the politics section and start changing the world. Over here in stonerville no one cares about your angry rant.
Oh - it's on like Donky Kong betch....them's fightin words.

You are in the ass play thread - from appt 13.

Prepare to have your ass TORN...

Have you ever seen me angry? I be cray cray....CRAZY LIKE A FOX!

What were we talking about again?