The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sooo pissed off lol ... missus has dragged me all over the fucking shops today buying fucking crap shitty stuff for the garden... furniture, ornaments, lights ... the full works ... spent loads n took ages ... then we get home n she starts saying where things need to go , so like a good boy I put em where she wants them, then she changes her mind and I move them, then the kids start playing up and she starts moaning about the positions of the garden stuff ... at this point I saw red .... now all her hundreds of pounds of garden crap is in a smashed up pile down garden and im rolling a joint ..... cunt


Well-Known Member
Asbestos I work with the stuff . Poor fucker what a horrible disease to have .

What's the genetics sae ?
Genetics arent known 100% as breeder is staying schtum but its basically Cheese x Unknown Haze(probably something like amnesia by the taste but no-one really knows)

This is someones writeup on it mate

GRINGO... Essex's newest, most demanded clone only strain - this could be the next exodus cheese in terms
of popularity!!!

It's been about for a few years now, naturally it's taken this time to make itself known, being
passed amoungst scores and scores of Essex cannabis growers. It originally comes from the Mayland area of
Essex as far as i can work out, but its now made its way all over Essex & a few samples even further afeild, demanding
some very high prices for properly grown/dried and cured buds.

It's meant to be a cheese/haze pheno, i dont know how true this is, i can beleive it though. This isnt stinky on the cheese level,
or even psycosis cheese... this stuff STINKS when growing! You get a very oldskool skunk smell even from veg, during flowering these lovely plants
go through a few changes in smell, from sweet to sweet and skunky, almost turning slightly sour, STRONG skunk/cheese smell, with a strong
wet PVA glue smell by week 9 of flower. By week 10 - 11 in soil the Gringo is ready for harvest. The first wiff is pure SKUNK
cheese pong, and then the pva glue background smell comes through as an undertone. If you dont rub the plant, it has a slight
apple smell. The overtone being major skunk cheese. When dried and cured it smells very pungently when ground up, skunky,
earthy, very strong liquorice sweet fruit smells.
In my educated opinion the Gringo is indica dominant plant (around 60%) but grows with a sativa style leaf, very bushey growth with great bud sites, even
the lower buds can put on some serious weight! The effect when mature is definatly indica
in the main. - This strain is good for medical use, it's particually good for treating depression, appetite problems, chronic nerve pain
(internal nerve pain) muscle spasms and inflamation (good for arthritis, gout)

The clones root easily within the first week. Then the clones are placed under 250watt white/blue CFL for another week or so.
As soon as the root ball is established you get explosive growth in the vegative phase, when switching to 12/12 it takes around 1 week to respond
to the photoperiod change and doesnt stretch too much. It is a 10 week flower strain (in soil, organically) - it's a big yeilder, hard
dense nuggets, lots of small super crystally bud leaves to make good trim from (hash, oil, bubble hash, cannabutter) but with a great
calyx to leaf ratio.

I beleive this new clone only strain could easily be a big hitter with everyone, even on the other side of the pond.
I love skunk, cheese, and all the oldskool road kill skunk smells, cat piss smells etc... this strain has abit of them all.

If you live in Essex, England and you smoke, you almost certainly would of heard of
the strain "Gringo!" This is a good strain for first timers as it can take the usual
mistakes - high temps, over watering (not underwatering) and is very good at resisting mold/mildew. The plants structure from
clone is extrmely robust, excellent branching, but DOES need some tying up at the end of flowering because this is
from clone (and the seeds will be too) it has inherenty weak stems for the weight of the buds. You can also grow these small -
root the clones, veg for a week and bang it onto 12/12, even with less than good grow conditions you'll be pulling off more than
auto cannabis strains - over 35G when dry from each mature miniture plant. We reccomend a good 4 week vegative phase for best yeilds.


Well-Known Member
obv he can't smoke fuck all with the lung condition he has, even a vape would irritate it i would think. make him some cakes as an intro and then some hash caps or raw oil.

ever see that american weed were the guy literally eats dry buds?, makes me wretch
im literally just supplying him with genetics and pointing him the right direction for him to do his own research if ya know what i mean, hes already experienced at growing but never done anything else than just sell it or smoke it, all the medical shit is all new to him


Well-Known Member
Sooo pissed off lol ... missus has dragged me all over the fucking shops today buying fucking crap shitty stuff for the garden... furniture, ornaments, lights ... the full works ... spent loads n took ages ... then we get home n she starts saying where things need to go , so like a good boy I put em where she wants them, then she changes her mind and I move them, then the kids start playing up and she starts moaning about the positions of the garden stuff ... at this point I saw red .... now all her hundreds of pounds of garden crap is in a smashed up pile down garden and im rolling a joint ..... cunt
You need to throw her over the bed n ram ya cock up her arse mate show her whos boss lol


Well-Known Member
obv he can't smoke fuck all with the lung condition he has, even a vape would irritate it i would think. make him some cakes as an intro and then some hash caps or raw oil.

ever see that american weed were the guy literally eats dry buds?, makes me wretch
a vape would help


Well-Known Member
Sooo pissed off lol ... missus has dragged me all over the fucking shops today buying fucking crap shitty stuff for the garden... furniture, ornaments, lights ... the full works ... spent loads n took ages ... then we get home n she starts saying where things need to go , so like a good boy I put em where she wants them, then she changes her mind and I move them, then the kids start playing up and she starts moaning about the positions of the garden stuff ... at this point I saw red .... now all her hundreds of pounds of garden crap is in a smashed up pile down garden and im rolling a joint ..... cunt
i fukin told u those anger management courses suck arse, smash shit up and feel the release lol


Well-Known Member
i fukin told u those anger management courses suck arse, smash shit up and feel the release lol
Zedd I think ppl like you and me are normal... its all the others that are to laid back lol ...
joints kicking in and the world is becoming calm :)


Well-Known Member
Zedd I think ppl like you and me are normal... its all the others that are to laid back lol ...
joints kicking in and the world is becoming calm :)
weed just makes me smash shit up harder, i get some weird strength from it or so I believe lol


Well-Known Member
Zedd I think ppl like you and me are normal... its all the others that are to laid back lol ...
joints kicking in and the world is becoming calm :)
so you and I are both university lecturers or were ...or will be, who grow weed and smash shit up...I have got to meet you someday man lolol


Well-Known Member
Next rant ..... cats ..... I know alot of you love them but I HATE the horrible little vermin filled fuckers. ..... why should I clean up after my dog just so your cat can shit on my garden.....
im gonna antifreeze the little shits ......