The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Evening lads,

Well today is the start of week 7 so startin ripen tomorrow and chopping the lot in 2 and half weeks, cant fooking wait !!


Well-Known Member
No one knows me??????? Lmao .... the whole thread knows me ya twat ..... ive been around longer than half the lads on here .... and just for the record your mum joke failed bro ....

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
No one knows me??????? Lmao .... the whole thread knows me ya twat ..... ive been around longer than half the lads on here .... and just for the record your mum joke failed bro ....
Talk about an attention whore!! OK brother everyone knows you ....and just for the record your mom failed! !


Well-Known Member
Well obviously!! what else would I be implying....your boy calls me a coon u call me a muppet!!...u sure this isn't the Mississippi growers thread...what's next!!View attachment 3215270
im no ones boy, nig .....
Im not even giving you the time of day ..... typical attention needing nigga ..... "Hey look at me in black" no one cares so you drop the race card ..... typical scummy black piece of shit ....... go rape a banana