

Well-Known Member
Woohhaa okay so its been a little while since i last posted on this site. So i just had my first succesfuly harvest and i pulled a fair bit off 4 plants, i was suprised. Unfortunatly i can not tell you how much due to a sibbling who kept sneaking off with buds that were in the dry room. Cought red handed the little bastard.:twisted: Anyways...i have a little under 2oz left.

So now i need some advice. I started a new grow and there doing well, very well, i left town for a week and when i came back to check on them... holy crap, there too big! well actualy no such thing as too big but there gonna have to be moved... i would like you guy to give me some advice on pruning for maximum yield. so what i need to know is, when at what time... befor flowering or during... and if befor, how long befor flowering, were to cut, how much to cut at a time. Any feed back would be Great! Its good to be back. Cheers everyone!


Well-Known Member
if your talking about topping jus cut off the main stalk at its highest node an watch it bush out all growth will be concentraited outward istead of upward


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks. Yeah i heard of topping, so when should it be done a week or two befor flowering? How about cutting the bottow branches i heard that dose the revers... concentraits growth at the top.


Well-Known Member
yes if you top or lollipop(cutting side braches) you should allways give the plant a week or two to recover from the shock b4 flowering


Well-Known Member
Great thanks man! Im always keen to learn more. So will this increase yeild by much and which method have you had the best results with?


Well-Known Member
ive allway gotten better results topping(more bud) but this an argument that will go on for ever some say yes some say no its up to you to find out personally


Well-Known Member
you can top as said above then you trim off the whole bottom third of the plant. then tie down the highest branches (lst).Doing these three things will increase your over all yeild. and all can be done safely up till 2 weeks into flower


Well-Known Member
never do any thing to shock your plant during flower(can die or turn hermie). if you do these thing allways give time to recover b4 starting flower. i dont know about doing all 3 to one plant but i wuldnt mind seeing it.


Well-Known Member
and by far the leading cause of hermies is flupuation in the light scheuald. I ve done this many times with strechy sativa plants. and never had a hermie from topping or trimming or tying down.Last summer i actually went away for 6 days near the final 2 weeks of harvest and when i returned. the black plastic sheets i had covering the small window in my grow room had fallen off. Letting lots of nice sunlight into the room so i had 16 of 21 go hermie.


Active Member
Or if you want to keep your plants small flower them earlier. They will still grow for the first couple weeks a little bit but only like a 1/3 or less. Keep em short and get lots of colas in a small area. Like a rotating garden.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, hey thats great! thanks for all the tips everyone. I topped one of my plants the other i trim the bottom branches. My last two i desided to let them go as is and see which has the better yield. I will give them two weeks befor switching them over to flowering.


Well-Known Member
if i were you maybe looking into bending could bend a 45 degree and still get plant to adjust to it.........