Leaf Compost


Well-Known Member
Naw. I have a one year old runnin around. She would tell me to go sleep outside with the worms lol
hah, I figured as much, my girlfriend only comes over on weekends and I wouldn't put it in the house.... Nope.
Luckily I can just put it under the house, my house is literally built on top of a ginormous redwood stump, and it stays niiiiice and cool down there in the summer, and because of my water heater down there, it's also nice in the winter too
Congrats on the one year old, by the way, must have your hands full.
happy wife, happy life


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am juggling three different crops, the kids, work, and school. I am happy though. I like staying busy. Makes the plants grow faster if I don't see them so much lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I am juggling three different crops, the kids, work, and school. I am happy though. I like staying busy. Makes the plants grow faster if I don't see them so much lol.
haha, so true, years ago i'd check up on my plants like 4 times a day, now it's once a day, and sometimes i'll even let them go over a day.
I got it fairly dialed in though, not a whole lot to check up on


Well-Known Member
are you guys vermicomposting? or just letting it breakdown naturally? If not you should, you have a great base already, and worm castings are the best
Yo about the worms and heat, you can dig into the ground about 1' deep and however long and wide you want for the worm bed. Preferbly under a tree or large shrub for shade, im sure they will be fine and not leave/die if they are fed and with proper bedding/water. Totes are a cool route to take, but if you gots the land, do it there.