The Worlds Most Hyped and Overrated Things....


Well-Known Member
Here's a lil summary of events that took place;

-I post threads asking genuine questions about rape
-Clayton accuses me of having rape fantasies/fetishes
-I find one of Claytons posts where he explicitly admits to having and fulfilling his own rape fantasies
-Clayton continues to project his rape fantasies onto me for asking genuine questions about rape

And that's where you come in..

I'm fully aware rape fantasies exist, and personally I don't have any problem with them so long as the parties are consentual. Apparently Clayton does, because he accused me of having them in some attempted derogatory fashion. All the while he himself harbors them

Read the thread


Well-Known Member
Because I didn't want to mod the SS&P section anymore, it's as simple as that

Why, what conspiracy theory do you have this time? This should be good
Why do you think I'm not a mod anymore?
Well, word on the street is that you were inappropriate too many times and that you were an embarrassment to the profession. Also, there were a few murmurs from the shadows that you are a cop.
I didn't want to mod the SS&P section anymore because I was sick of the restrictions put on me by the position
It had nothing to do with my conduct as mod
Interestingly enough, when you tell religious people they're full of shit, they tend to insult you, imagine that!
You don't even see how needy and contradictory you are. Clearly you were FIRED for being inappropriate like I said. You, sir, are the joke of the town.

The fact that you keep calling me a raper because I acted on SOMEONE ELSE'S rape fantasy says it all. It's called projection, look it up, get help, before you hurt another innocent girl.

The real joke is so obvious and funny.


Well-Known Member
You don't even see how needy and contradictory you are. Clearly you were FIRED for being inappropriate like I said. You, sir, are the joke of the town.

The fact that you keep calling me a raper because I acted on SOMEONE ELSE'S rape fantasy says it all. It's called projection, look it up, get help, before you hurt another innocent girl.

The real joke is so obvious and funny.
Like I said, I voluntarily relinquished being mod of the SS&P sub, believe it or not, I couldn't care less

"I am kind of excited to fulfill her rape fantasy and smack her around a bit, probably choke her a little (surprise for her)."

How is it "her fantasy" if it's a "surprise for her"?

A surprise entails not knowing, so how could she hold a fantasy she didn't know about? That came directly from you.

Lol what are you, 15? What is this, middle school? "nuh uh! YOU ARE!"... I call it like I see it, projection.. then you come back with, wouldn't you know it.. projection.. You're so goddamn unoriginal, this is the second time I've noticed you pull some bullshit like that..

You have rape fantasies, you think having rape fantasies is wrong, you think you'll get kudos from the token RIU conservatards for saying it. I don't have rape fantasies, I don't think having rape fantasies is wrong, I couldn't give a fuck less what anyone on RIU thinks of me, including you


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I voluntarily relinquished being mod of the SS&P sub, believe it or not, I couldn't care less

"I am kind of excited to fulfill her rape fantasy and smack her around a bit, probably choke her a little (surprise for her)."

How is it "her fantasy" if it's a "surprise for her"?

A surprise entails not knowing, so how could she hold a fantasy she didn't know about? That came directly from you.

Lol what are you, 15? What is this, middle school? "nuh uh! YOU ARE!"... I call it like I see it, projection.. then you come back with, wouldn't you know it.. projection.. You're so goddamn unoriginal, this is the second time I've noticed you pull some bullshit like that..

You have rape fantasies, you think having rape fantasies is wrong, you think you'll get kudos from the token RIU conservatards for saying it. I don't have rape fantasies, I don't think having rape fantasies is wrong, I couldn't give a fuck less what anyone on RIU thinks of me, including you

Clearly, you have rape fantasies.


Your arguments don;t even make sense and are so misconstrued hilarious.


Well-Known Member
Clearly, you have rape fantasies.
Quote the post, bitch

I quoted your post where you clearly admit you have rape fantasies

You're too much of a gaping pussy to admit to them, even after I told you it's not necessarily wrong to have them. Yet you still accuse me of having them, even though you know I don't think it's wrong to have them, you complete multitard. What are you hoping for, what are you expecting?

Show me how I have rape fantasies, quote the post or shut your cockholster


Well-Known Member
Clayton...ur kinda a douche.
From my standpoint your the shittier end of the stick but you both suck.

Stfu I was actually enjoyin this thread till you two highschool cheerleaders started a bitch fit.

Back to the program.


Well-Known Member
Quote the post, bitch

I quoted your post where you clearly admit you have rape fantasies

You're too much of a gaping pussy to admit to them, even after I told you it's not necessarily wrong to have them. Yet you still accuse me of having them, even though you know I don't think it's wrong to have them, you complete multitard. What are you hoping for, what are you expecting?

Show me how I have rape fantasies, quote the post or shut your cockholster

Quote it again, where I said I have rape fantasies.