The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
so 10 are gonna be about £50-55 then? do they do any deals on 10 at a time or just totally priced in singles?
Nah man ten is going to cost you about 35 pounds then postage might be a fiver so if u get like 45 pounds in coins that should cover the charges of buying the coins n sending the coin to the agora wallet n that's Should lol I've been off by about 5c b4 n couldn't buy what i planned had to buy more coins n pay more costs so make sure you've enough.


Well-Known Member
Nah man ten is going to cost you about 35 pounds then postage might be a fiver so if u get like 45 pounds in coins that should cover the charges of buying the coins n sending the coin to the agora wallet n that's Should lol I've been off by about 5c b4 n couldn't buy what i planned had to buy more coins n pay more costs so make sure you've enough.
cool will have to sort that soon unless anyone else is putting an order in soon?


Well-Known Member
If u buy the coins yourself n send em to my wallet I'll do it for u. Sending me money via bank has ridiculous charges n waaaay 2 much info is needed so go on localbitcoin exchange find a seller selling for a good price buy em n I'll send u my agora address n email me a name n full address and I'll do the order for you... That's to rimmer only I'm not ordering for everyone lol

The pills I ordered were also from the dam but a different seller he sent the wrong pills 4 but not the ones I wanted (the ones your planning to get) anyways besides fucking up my order his packaging was vacuum packed in mbb heat sealed in a dvd lol fucking stealth to fuck


Well-Known Member
If u buy the coins yourself n send em to my wallet I'll do it for u. Sending me money via bank has ridiculous charges n waaaay 2 much info is needed so go on localbitcoin exchange find a seller selling for a good price buy em n I'll send u my agora address n email me a name n full address and I'll do the order for you... That's to rimmer only I'm not ordering for everyone lol

The pills I ordered were also from the dam but a different seller he sent the wrong pills 4 but not the ones I wanted (the ones your planning to get) anyways besides fucking up my order his packaging was vacuum packed in mbb heat sealed in a dvd lol fucking stealth to fuck
sorry mate i meant more along the lines of who is doing an order that i can pay via cash/paypal etc as i dont have bit coin account n all that shit lol


Well-Known Member
Lmao that was aimed at rimmer ya penis .... he asked for the price and you already told him .... fuckin foreigners lol :p


Well-Known Member
sorry mate i meant more along the lines of who is doing an order that i can pay via cash/paypal etc as i dont have bit coin account n all that shit lol
Well I know paypal changes like 2.50 but I dunno what my bank would take (robbing whores, charge me 24c each time I use my card!!! N "account maintenance" fees...thundering whoooores) so ur better off doing a bank transfer with one of these lads...I'm sure ice will help


Well-Known Member
Well I know paypal changes like 2.50 but I dunno what my bank would take (robbing whores, charge me 24c each time I use my card!!! N "account maintenance" fees...thundering whoooores) so ur better off doing a bank transfer with one of these lads...I'm sure ice will help
Paypal only charges if your paying for an item, if your sending money to family and friends it costs nothing


Well-Known Member
Paypal only charges if your paying for an item, if your sending money to family and friends it costs nothing
Think I was charged sending money to someone here like 2.50 but it will be at ur end you see it so we can do it if you like I'll look up the total cost to give u an idea
Doesn't appear to be any postage charges when you preview order so it should be around that but add about 5- 8 pounds or so for it...I'll go on bitcoin exchange monday n give you an idea how much they would want for that.

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Well-Known Member
I just wanna make this work onme phone man doing my head in and now the lappy is givinge black screen arrggghhhh...I'll send u bit coins for premium hash and sae u just PayPal me an amount u want for the pill then we all sorted Yeh? And for doing it all relax you can have a sniff of my sweaty gusset after a hard days work what u say?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Sup robbie u still ignoring me? Robbie loves to dish it out but can't take much...its extremely easy to make him crack!!

I hate when you don't talk to me robbie p!! Take me off ignore let's all be friends!
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