How does my plant look after 3 weeks flowering


New Member
They've been under fluoro's since day 1, this is the only female out of all of them I had. I'm thinking about putting it outside to get bigger buds.. What do yall think? Any suggestions are welcome.



Well-Known Member
They've been under fluoro's since day 1, this is the only female out of all of them I had. I'm thinking about putting it outside to get bigger buds.. What do yall think? Any suggestions are welcome.

I may be wrong but the second bud from the bottom to the left looks like it has seed pods, hermie? Calyx's dont usually look that swollen till harvest time. Go check it out!


New Member
I may be wrong but the second bud from the bottom to the left looks like it has seed pods, hermie? Calyx's dont usually look that swollen till harvest time. Go check it out!
I know what you're talking about with the pods, but I thought that's just what buds looked like before they are about to blossom... I have been seeing them for the past week or so. There are also hairs sticking out of the pods..

Is there any other way to tell if it is a hermie? & is it still smokable if it's a hermie?


Well-Known Member
leave it indoors. You wouldn't want to change around light schedules right now in flower. Those are just the calyx's of the buds which will fill in. Shhes looking mighty fine


Active Member
the buds look good to me for 3 weeks in. And I agree that keeping it indoors would be best, unless you are getting 12hrs light/12hrs dark outside. But, I have also heard bout some plants going into shock when moved from indoor lights to the sun.


New Member
Yeah I decided to just leave it inside since it seems to be doing well enough under the lights. I'm guessing harvest time will be next month or so hopefully.


New Member
It's just bag seed of some local mids.. This time around I didn't want to waste money on good seeds in case I screwed up. But next time I'm going to have HPS lights and I'll probably order good seeds or get my brother to get me some. Just from doing this little experimental grow, I have learned tons about growing.


Well-Known Member
It's just bag seed of some local mids.. This time around I didn't want to waste money on good seeds in case I screwed up. But next time I'm going to have HPS lights and I'll probably order good seeds or get my brother to get me some. Just from doing this little experimental grow, I have learned tons about growing.
That's exactly what I do with bagseed... experiment. I have one girl I call "Bride of Frankenstein" that has been through absolute HELL. And she just keeps trucking. I just pulled 5 clones off of her yesterday simply because she is so damn resilient. Bagseed can be a good thing!


New Member
That's exactly what I do with bagseed... experiment. I have one girl I call "Bride of Frankenstein" that has been through absolute HELL. And she just keeps trucking. I just pulled 5 clones off of her yesterday simply because she is so damn resilient. Bagseed can be a good thing!

Hahaa ... I just wish that I could enjoy the fruits of my labor more.. They are some seriously low quality mids. One day I was just like.. "hey I want to try to grow" .. so I got the seeds out of my ashtray and got to it! The only reason I didn't try it with better weed is because, well, you rarely see seeds in a sack of good quality weed. I can't wait until I turn the whole bedroom into a garden.

The plant is still gorgeous though. I've never even seen a real life weed plant until I grew mine...


Active Member
wow, nice for a first time, and the straing doesnt look to be that bad for low mid weed, if anything it should be better this time around without the seeds.

very nice, how long has it been since you germinated the seed?


New Member
wow, nice for a first time, and the straing doesnt look to be that bad for low mid weed, if anything it should be better this time around without the seeds.

very nice, how long has it been since you germinated the seed?
I was thinking about that... and I don't even know exactly, but I believe like 3 months or so.. Maybe 4 lol keeping track of time isn't one of my strong points.