Well-Known Member
The greatest trick the troll ever played was convincing the world he didn't exist... I like you, have I never told you that?
You remind me of a friend of mine who lost his minds on acid. He got a Jesus complex and started giving away money to random people at the hotel. I was kicked out of the state of New Mexico for that... You're initials aren't JB are they? Anyway that beard isn't making you look any more Christier. I believe you...
No, I can't recall you ever saying that you like Me; but thank you.
My initials are GMO, for George Manuel Oliveira. My initials backwards is OMG, which stands for O My God.
My Name, George Manuel Oliveira, means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree". If you search for "Revelation 3:12", you will see that Jesus said he would have a "NEW NAME". If you search for "Romans 11:16-26", you will see how many times it talks about the "olive tree".
I believe that I am the Christ- the Prophet.