Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
Umm, ok.

I’LL take what she’s taking.
Scientists report that a drug prescribed to treat Parkinson’s disease has caused at least one woman to experience uncontrollable orgasms.

The 42-year-old was using rasagiline — a commonly-prescribed Parkinson’s treatment — when her libido suddenly increased and she began spontaneously orgasming up to five times a day, according to Live Science.

She was eventually hospitalised when the intense five- to 20-second sensations became too much.

Doctors who treated the woman said it was the first time such an adverse effect of the drug has been reported.

The woman’s unusual symptoms stopped when she quit the drug, then started again when she resumed treatment 15 days later, they noted in her case report.

She had not been taking any other medication.

Researchers suspected her reaction had something to so with an increase in dopamine — a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps regulate feelings of pleasure — which is triggered by taking rasagiline.

One previous report described a case of a spontaneous ejaculation in a man who had also been taking rasagiline, they wrote.

The case report is set to be published in an upcoming issue of the journal Parkinsonism and Related Disorders.
I cannot believe somebody actually sought treatment for that :shock::lol:


Well-Known Member
I just changed the light cycle. Its now on 12/12.

Tek that recommendation of sticking the cutting in the water was actually working, but being at 8 weeks already I needed to go ahead and change the cycle so it can start doing its thing and the haze will start as soon as she is ready.

Full plant pic
View attachment 3190431
I think I'll get my 3oz or more
Hello i am reading your thread and loving it i am on page 14 still and i seen you changed your lights down to 12/12 at week 8. what does this do? I ask cause i am gonna be doing 10 auto's while vegging 30 photo's in the same room. I start in 2 weeks. I know i will be caught up by then with your great grows. if you already answered this in upcoming posts then i will find it since i am reading every post.


Well-Known Member
No, it makes since to understand the rules, you obviously do not. There is no rule that states that you cannot talk about a member that was banned if there were then a whole lot of others would be banned.

If you have something you want to say to me then say it and stop beating around the bush.
You may think that your little quips are amusing but they're not.(only people who find this amusing are people who get off on others being unhappy.) If you want to participate in the thread by all means, but if all you want to do is talk about people in a negative light and make sigs about them as well then you can stay out of my thread.

Take all of your 12 posts and get some knowledge around the forum, meet some good people and stay away from people who thrive off the misery of others.
Well said man. I knew i liked your growing style now i see i am liking you as a person also. I am on a mission to finish and catch up on this thread. There is allot of great info that i am taking notes of so i can gain knowledge about auto's


Well-Known Member
Hello i am reading your thread and loving it i am on page 14 still and i seen you changed your lights down to 12/12 at week 8. what does this do? I ask cause i am gonna be doing 10 auto's while vegging 30 photo's in the same room. I start in 2 weeks. I know i will be caught up by then with your great grows. if you already answered this in upcoming posts then i will find it since i am reading every post.
It doesn't have a major effect on the plants during the end run. However, since I did that it may have slowed down the production of the trichomes as I didn't check them this time around cause she looked done. After looking during the cure I noticed that there was several clear mostly cloudy and only a couple amber(not many at all)

I also did it because of the need for other plants to begin flowering and I have no other space and I didn't feel it would hurt the auto in the end. I feel that I was wrong and wouldn't recommend turning the lights back to 12/12 unless its really need to. Kinda like how I did in order to get other plants to flower.

My main reason behind it was because we were supposed to be moving from this apartment at a certain time, but that isn't happening now. But when it was I needed to get my plants finished so I went ahead and changed the cycle.



Well-Known Member
Well said man. I knew i liked your growing style now i see i am liking you as a person also. I am on a mission to finish and catch up on this thread. There is allot of great info that i am taking notes of so i can gain knowledge about auto's
We try to be as civil as possible around here, if that is disrupted people get a little upset. :wink:


Well-Known Member
So what about I haven't even graduated yet and sallie mae is already harassing me.

This is going to be fun. I love owning these type of people. :mrgreen:

I hate that they are the people your loan goes straight to. They will be consolidated at the end with william d ford, but until then I need to send out a cease and desist.


Well-Known Member
the akr in the white bucket ive been clipping a popcorn here and there
now that i have room to move the light around i realize the last couple years ive been burning the trichs up from being to close these seem so much more frosty when compared to the rest ive grown smaller in size but frosty frosty
think i may start laying the light on them in veg and picking it up higher in flower :D


Well-Known Member
the akr in the white bucket ive been clipping a popcorn here and there
now that i have room to move the light around i realize the last couple years ive been burning the trichs up from being to close these seem so much more frosty when compared to the rest ive grown smaller in size but frosty frosty
think i may start laying the light on them in veg and picking it up higher in flower :D
You know how my super haze has been getting to tall?

Well, that was taken care of this morning. I topped all six tops. hahaha.
Go vertical now bitch!

Sorry, I went dark.