Sannie's SugarPunch


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I wear gloves so that all the resin doesn't get stuck to my fingers and instead to the gloves. Which then go in the freezer and the resin is collected.


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I agree. They look ill.....but then he's saying his opinion is it's the fault of the beans. I dunno.
The one complaint I don't have w/ the Sannies strains I've ran is the vitality and vigor. I didn't care for most of the smoke, but n/p with the runs.
and thats saying a lot cause amos and heri go back like tom & jerry.

sucks to see what's coming from the new batch of SP, guess that means They will get knocked further down my list of seed popping priorities.
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st0wandgrow those girls look sweet!! i'll be right over to test 'em out with you! ;-) looking forward to your smoke report!! (refresh my memory--how long did you veg for?)

so...that grow break i mentioned? let's just forget i said anything about taking a break, because several days ago i said to myself, "self, i could go for some more sugar punch." so a bean was put to germinate--the first one did not pop, so i had to put another bean in and it popped in two days. today is day seven since that one sprouted. i'll put some pics up when she gets a bit bigger. definitely planning on running this one in a bigger air-pot. (out of five beans, two didn't sprout. i don't think that is a good ratio for "new" beans. ended up with 90 seeds from chuckin' some pollen on the first one--will probably grow some out this winter to see how they turned out.)


Well-Known Member
st0wandgrow those girls look sweet!! i'll be right over to test 'em out with you! ;-) looking forward to your smoke report!! (refresh my memory--how long did you veg for?
Thanks ucg!

I wanna say I vegged these for 8 weeks from seed. I normally do 6 weeks for clones, but I always find seedlings take a little longer so I'm pretty sure it was 8 weeks or something very close to that.

Based on the eyeball test I'd say these should yield around 3-4 ounces each grown in 5 gallon buckets. I'll post up a smoke report in a week or so....


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Cleaning up both gals tonight to be hung. This is what I'm assuming is a SSH pheno.
It is indeed. Looks great man, not sure why you consider the other prettier, but I suspect that will change once you smoke it. The SSH pheno is what made SP popular here and is actually worth more per gram than the other. I still miss the smell...


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It is indeed. Looks great man, not sure why you consider the other prettier, but I suspect that will change once you smoke it. The SSH pheno is what made SP popular here and is actually worth more per gram than the other. I still miss the smell...

I neglected to say that I will likely keep the SSH pheno over the other as I was looking for a Sativa leaning plant for the garden. Behind these are a couple Female Seeds C-99's, and a couple Sagarmatha Western Winds. The best plant of the 3 strains gets to hang out for a while.

It just occured to me the other day that these are all feminized strains. Should I prepare for a sausage party? :lol:


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It just occured to me the other day that these are all feminized strains. Should I prepare for a sausage party? :lol:
Well, in Sannie's forum they do recommend against cloning fem seeds cause they will hermie :lol:

Unless the creator of those fem C99 was really sloppy I don't think you have to worry about that one. The first batch of SP was already quite popular a couple of years ago by now and haven't seen an SP hermie then. Took Sannie 3 attempts to recreate the SP, first two failed, which gives me the impression Sannie wanted to make sure it's top notch quality like the first SP. I have seen two grows of which all plants except the SP hermied so that's a good sign. If I remember correctly one of them was from @Bigby, he is no longer active here but has a journal with lots of pics from SP and other sannie strains.


Well-Known Member
Well, in Sannie's forum they do recommend against cloning fem seeds cause they will hermie :lol:

Unless the creator of those fem C99 was really sloppy I don't think you have to worry about that one. The first batch of SP was already quite popular a couple of years ago by now and haven't seen an SP hermie then. Took Sannie 3 attempts to recreate the SP, first two failed, which gives me the impression Sannie wanted to make sure it's top notch quality like the first SP. I have seen two grows of which all plants except the SP hermied so that's a good sign. If I remember correctly one of them was from @Bigby, he is no longer active here but has a journal with lots of pics from SP and other sannie strains.

I have wondered about the delay with this latest batch of SP. I was waiting on this drop for what seemed like a year, and heard about the couple failed batches. Sannie is very highly regarded, so it makes sense that it may have been a quality thing and he didn't want to release an inferior product.


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My latest run is in flower and stuff just started developing pistils this week. The SP seems typical so far... short veg but all 5 beans sprouted and vegged with vigour you would expect.

9/10 chuckys bride sprouted, but only 2 confirmed females so far with 4 confirmed males. I believe at least 2 more are male but still a little early to say.

of my 5 blue santa x c99 freebies.... 2 sprouted as mutant runts and were not viable to take past the seedling stage.


Well-Known Member
My latest run is in flower and stuff just started developing pistils this week. The SP seems typical so far... short veg but all 5 beans sprouted and vegged with vigour you would expect.

9/10 chuckys bride sprouted, but only 2 confirmed females so far with 4 confirmed males. I believe at least 2 more are male but still a little early to say.

of my 5 blue santa x c99 freebies.... 2 sprouted as mutant runts and were not viable to take past the seedling stage.
mmmm chucky's bride is on my "next" list, kinda wanna try the selene too
Maybe I got lucky but I've found some KILLER smoke, from runty weird seedlings


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OK. Snipped a bit of bud from the very bottom of the SSH pheno and quick dried it on a cable box for about 36 hours. It was larfy, leafy, and still moist but I smoked it any way. Taste and smell I won't comment on until its dried and jarred for a bit, but the high is pretty damn good! Actually, very good! Extremely cerebral. My head felt like it was being lifted off my shoulders. :-)

This sad looking little sample has me very excited to give both of these a puff....


Well-Known Member
OK. Snipped a bit of bud from the very bottom of the SSH pheno and quick dried it on a cable box for about 36 hours. It was larfy, leafy, and still moist but I smoked it any way. Taste and smell I won't comment on until its dried and jarred for a bit, but the high is pretty damn good! Actually, very good! Extremely cerebral. My head felt like it was being lifted off my shoulders. :-)

This sad looking little sample has me very excited to give both of these a puff....
Yours looked quite a bit like mine. The One phenotype you have looks like what my strongest plant looked like that I lost. Maybe a bit less frosty. Got any close ups of the SSH? My SSH was very frosty on the buds no where else.


Well-Known Member
Looks similar. Again maybe not quite as much frost IDK though you be the judge.

And most potent pheno I lost:

Yeah, those both look frostier than what I ended up with. I may give them both another run though. I'm not real happy with how it went. Thinking my soil might be a little rich for them. I'm gonna cut it with some EWC and peat and see if they respond better