STL is about to start rioting.


Well-Known Member
That did happen, and at that point I wouldn't have a gripe with the cop shooting him.

However, the darkie gave up and took off running.

Witness accounts, and apparently body positions record this.

The cop no longer was justified in shooting because the D was fleeing. Cops don't kill runners.

The D then stopped, attempting to surrender. The cop then executed him.

That's fucked up.
read the link i posted further up the page


Well-Known Member
The police should just go home, they are fuel to the fire, they have no clue what has been happening because they are the antagonists.


Well-Known Member
That story from the "eyewitness" is a little strange.
First, they are on the ground when Brown is shot.
Suddenly, they're both up and running? Then the subsequent shots begin?

I don't know, but something about that sudden change in leverage seems to be missing an explanation.


Well-Known Member
thumbs up to all you pussy mothafuckas who believe the police version and not the people at the apartments where it happened.... heres the truth.
mike brown was walking home in the street the police drive by he's still walking down the street. the cop pulls back around tells him to get the fuck out of the road. the police opens the car door and it hit's mike brown. the door bounces off mike brown and hits the cop in the leg. the cop fires a shot at mike brown. mike brown runs a little bit then stops with his hand up saying don't shoot. the officer takes 8 shots at mike brown while mike brown has his hands up.


Well-Known Member
What better to supplement a corrupt police force than a corrupt civilian militia?

I mean what's a few kidnapping's, execution's, kneecappings and bombings between neighbours?
Our normal police dont have guns and we dont have militias.

No riots either or race wars.

So put your mouth around this, gaylord...



Well-Known Member
thumbs up to all you pussy mothafuckas who believe the police version and not the people at the apartments where it happened.... heres the truth.
mike brown was walking home in the street the police drive by he's still walking down the street. the cop pulls back around tells him to get the fuck out of the road. the police opens the car door and it hit's mike brown. the door bounces off mike brown and hits the cop in the leg. the cop fires a shot at mike brown. mike brown runs a little bit then stops with his hand up saying don't shoot. the officer takes 8 shots at mike brown while mike brown has his hands up.
Upon re-reading the linked piece, I see I mistakenly thought they were on the ground. But something about the story is still missing. I suppose more info will come out over time .


Well-Known Member
Keep throwing around rhetorical questions to rationalize the actions of the rioters. Those of us not drunk see right through it.
in other words, not one single example.

thanks for making a liar out of yourself.

join any new groups lately, sketchy etchy?


Well-Known Member
in other words, not one single example.

thanks for making a liar out of yourself.

join any new groups lately, sketchy etchy?
So in your bizarro world logic theyre treated like animals and so then act like animals...and you cant understand why this cycle cant be broken?

Wouldnt the Secret Racist Cabal be sitting around nodding their heads and saying "This is why I wont let darkies into my store" ??


Well-Known Member
So in your bizarro world logic theyre treated like animals and so then act like animals...and you cant understand why this cycle cant be broken?

Wouldnt the Secret Racist Cabal be sitting around nodding their heads and saying "This is why I wont let darkies into my store" ??
maybe it's because we are all indeed animals.



Well-Known Member
in other words, not one single example.

thanks for making a liar out of yourself.

join any new groups lately, sketchy etchy?
I believe you were making veiled comparison between the LA Riots and the Ferguson Riots.

you can't think of any explanation why an exploited and disadvantaged population might riot after an unarmed member of their community was shot by a cop?

why do you suppose the LA riots happened?
This shooting hasn't proceeded past the investigation stage but somehow it's comparable to the LA riots?

thanks for making a liar and a moron out of yourself drunkle snitchtard


Well-Known Member
I believe you were making veiled comparison between the LA Riots and the Ferguson Riots.

This shooting hasn't proceeded past the investigation stage but somehow it's comparable to the LA riots?

thanks for making a liar and a moron out of yourself drunkle snitchtard
still not seeing any excusing going on there.

say, sketchy etchy, as a founding member of the holocaust denial and white supremacy group, were you sad to see it disbanded and then to see yourself banned?


Well-Known Member
If you are equating monkeys with blacks, that makes you a racist !!!!
i said we are all animals, you made the comparison that you then called racist.

not that we didn't already all know that you are racist as all fuck.

I think a big dicked nigger just breached your wife, better start that grill, those MF's are gonna be hungry....yes, you have cleanup duty as always...LMFAO.
Still stalking me? Faggot !!
Do you ever post anything about pussy? You faggot.

real good chance you're a closet homo as well, not that there's anything wrong with that.


Well-Known Member
still not seeing any excusing going on there.
Surprised you haven't mentioned your hero, trayvon yet.

Don't forget to add yourself to your sig seeing as you've wish prison time on members and threatened to out them to law enforcement.

Is there any law enforcement nutsack in the states you haven't licked?


Well-Known Member
Surprised you haven't mentioned your hero, trayvon yet.

Don't forget to add yourself to your sig seeing as you've wish prison time on members and threatened to out them to law enforcement.

Is there any law enforcement nutsack in the states you haven't licked?
you'll do just as good a job at citing those bullshit allegations as you did at citing my "excusing".

did you have a lot of fun when you were a founding member of the holocaust denial neo-nazi group?


Well-Known Member
I'm from the UK our police force don't carry guns either and we don't have militia

More violence from either side in USA isn't the answer. They will always have an armed and twitchy police force all the time they want guns to be common place