Auto Climax + Breeding


Well-Known Member
there isnt a black dot on my toe nail the whole thing is black and throbbing and swollen so bad that i have a blood blister sticking out from under my nail


Well-Known Member
Yea I get it. Really no point in showing vegging plants. I do it just cause. Its my journal and a place to keep my pics where I don't have to save them on my pc.
well i guess ill finish transplanting today and then flip tomorrow morning
gotta finish light proofing just around the door was going to put a curtain weighted on the bottom inside the door jamb


Well-Known Member
well i guess ill finish transplanting today and then flip tomorrow morning
gotta finish light proofing just around the door was going to put a curtain weighted on the bottom inside the door jamb
I was thinking earlier when I went into my tent if it would be a major issue if I opened it during lights out to take pics. After debating with myself for a while I went ahead and did it. Shouldn't bother them with it only open for like 5 min.


Well-Known Member
im watching the series " viking " on pretty good only on ep 3
Never heard of it.

I read that a green light would help with that, but I'm only planning on doing that one time. It was only cause I've been saying I was going to post some pics for the past couple days and didn't so I just got it done. I got home late and my lights were already off so yea.