rend pawl would ban all abortions, birth control.


Well-Known Member
That place is outta control - I'd jet the fuck out of there as fast as possible.
Really !
lol were u been at this place been da murder cap since pre prohibition we invented drive by shootings with fully autos and bombing buildings... we gave you da modern day street gang... this aint bad 89-99 was much worse 2ce as bad as now im talkin bout 1000 murders and 5000 non fatal shootings.. no matter were i end up its crook county dna in my bones


Well-Known Member
you are retarded.

if life starts at the moment of fertilization, and birth control prevents a fertilized egg from implanting, then what has happened to thet "life"?

it has been extinguished. birth control is murder.

take a biology course.
oh, no, no never was, therefore nothing to extinguish..a fertilized egg is just isn't until it implants that conception is considered complete..the implant must occur for life to exist.


Well-Known Member
oh, no, no never was, therefore nothing to extinguish..a fertilized egg is just isn't until it implants that conception is considered complete..the implant must occur for life to exist.
not according to rend pawl.

now put down the birth control and walk away slowly. hands where we can see them, murderer.


Well-Known Member
i'm not the one trying to tell owmen that they can't use birth control because it's murder, that's rend pawl, your hero and savior.

i bet you are a big fan of how he coordinates with the white supremacists at A3P, eh?
Once again, you speak to preserve your ignorance, a noble trait indeed.

I could care less about rend paul or any paul for that matter, I am just amazed at how consistently you speak to quantify your stupidity.

Keep up the good work soldier.




bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
Uncle buck is obviously running against randy paul in an upcoming election.. This is just his Campaign manager spreading hate.

And nodrama , I like the pic of the cops going from local guys to army force. But the answer is when they formed a union...You can get what you want when your in a union. "we need more money and weapons or we wont work"

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I can't wait to vote for Rand Paul in 2016. I might go to Chicago or some other Democratic enclave where it is legal to vote more than once.

After voting multiple times, I will confess my sins in St. Paul's cathedral as a pall descends over the whiny left. We will ratchet up the pressure on the commies as the bolt of freedom drops into the liberating pawl of self-rule.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
or welfare recipients..because we need more people in the US.

no birth control, no abortion..just one big bible thump.
according to Planned Parenthood, and it's founder Margaret Sanger, what we need is fewer NEGROES, and a Planned Parenthood clinic is the first step on the road to a Negro-Free America.

"We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members." ~M Sanger in a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, December 19, 1939

"Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race." ~M Sanger
(Protip: she means white race...)

so by all means, continue to claim the "Moral High Ground" and keep blathering about the "Women's Right to Choose" when in fact your entire argument is really just thinly veiled eugenics, and a scheme by a madwoman to exterminate american blackness.
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