ask me a question

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
An agueous sugar solution (corn syrup) was chosen as the filling compund for the figure.The following composition of cornsyrup solids were designed not to dissolve,decay or destroy the latex skin.The filling was comprised of 9% dextrose,10% meltose,12% meltriose and 69% higher sacchrides.Other compounds of white limestone, Glass with a particle size of 50 microns, gum resin, wood, flour, pine pitch mixture, limestone and talc were also added in amounts that helped increase the weight and volume which in turn also helped to reduce cost.The syrup solution was then heated in an evaporator to reduce the moisture content and increase the solid content up to 87.5% to 93%.leaving an average of only 10% moisture in the solution.I believe the accuracy of eliminating the mositure from the fluid has much relavence to how many years a strtech figure remains soft. The more moisture drawn the less time it will stay soft.The Syrup has a range viscosity of 48 to 49 degrees baume and a fluid viscosity of 5x10/3rd cenipoises at 70 degrees F. .This awsome recipe Kenner devised became the life blood of the Stretch Armstrong figure..
fuckin eh!

i knew that, just wanted to see what your google buddy had to say...

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
here's a good one;

why the fuck is 'shooter' edited on netflix? watch it, and where he saves the dippy lil fbi dude, you don't see him in the boat, don't see him fire a shot, and you don't see him make the suppressor from a coke bottle and rag....

too real? the bottle and rag do work, but only for the first shot (damon got 3 off)

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
is life a dream , and if so who's is it?? couldn't have opened a bigger can of worm's ,, my life's one big question???
Buddha said to his disciple Rabjor: "All phenomena are like an illusion and a dream". The reason why the Buddha said this is that whatever manifests is subject to change and dissolution; nothing is absolutely solid, permanent, separate, continuous, or defined. As we see the world as solid, we tie ourselves up with a rope of entanglement and are constrained and pulled like a slave by compulsion as our lead.

"Today a young man on acid" - All drugs have the ability to alter our states of consciousness.

"realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration." - This is an experience or just a thought that disappears in dreamless sleep.

"That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively." - If this were true we would know everyones thoughts.

"There is no such thing as death," - we see it all around, life is impermanent like dreams.

"and we are the imagination of ourselves." - What is our self?

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
why do we cry when we see cruelty to animals on tv?
''Crying is a natural emotional response to certain feelings, usually sadness and hurt. But then people [also] cry under other circumstances and occasions," says Stephen Sideroff, PhD, a staff psychologist at Santa Monica--University of California Los Angeles & Orthopaedic Hospital and clinical director of the Moonview Treatment Center in Santa Monica, Calif.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
what is the answer to the ultimate question?


why 42?
  1. In the puzzle the question is unknown, but the answer is already known to be 42. This is similar to the book where the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything" is known but not the question. The puzzle first appeared in The Illustrated Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
here's a good one;

why the fuck is 'shooter' edited on netflix? watch it, and where he saves the dippy lil fbi dude, you don't see him in the boat, don't see him fire a shot, and you don't see him make the suppressor from a coke bottle and rag....

too real? the bottle and rag do work, but only for the first shot (damon got 3 off)
I don't need the Google to tell me that Netflix is a giant piece of shit

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
why do some of my farts smell really bad, while others are almost scent free?
Because of your diet. Think of your stomach as a fridge. If you keep stuff like eggs, baked beans, bacon or onions, sooner or later all those things will start to reek! What you take in affects the smell of your gas. If you took healthier stuff like certain fruits, veggies and loads of water. Your digestive system will be far more 'cleaner'.


Well-Known Member
Buddha said to his disciple Rabjor: "All phenomena are like an illusion and a dream". The reason why the Buddha said this is that whatever manifests is subject to change and dissolution; nothing is absolutely solid, permanent, separate, continuous, or defined. As we see the world as solid, we tie ourselves up with a rope of entanglement and are constrained and pulled like a slave by compulsion as our lead.

"Today a young man on acid" - All drugs have the ability to alter our states of consciousness.

"realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration." - This is an experience or just a thought that disappears in dreamless sleep.

"That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively." - If this were true we would know everyones thoughts.

"There is no such thing as death," - we see it all around, life is impermanent like dreams.

"and we are the imagination of ourselves." - What is our self?
bullshit its my dream


Well-Known Member
why do a small amount of people hate me when 100's love me to bit's,and what is wrong with these few people? Ha i love me?