20 gm T.Brigdesii -dosed


Well-Known Member
awesome!..detox next time,fast,and eat twice the amount...:-)..glad you had spun!
Thanks bro, yeah - I finally got a magical cut this time :-) %The whole experience was LONG and I was still fucked-up well into the evening hours- (having dosed @ 8:30 am). Next time, if I take a bigger dose, I'll will be sure to leave plenty of recovery time!
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Well-Known Member
Has anyone dosed peyote as well as san pedro? I hear the former has a "body load" which is much stronger than Pedro. Of course, the mescaline content is higher also, but peyote supposedly contains many different alkaloids. How is the peyote trip different than san pedro- anyone? Sort of a contrast-comparison .


Well-Known Member
peyote is very different, lots of things going on and at the higher ranges, lots of the body stuff is uncomfortable. Of course drug mythology has always been with us. It was said that the fuzz that grows on the buttons had....... Stricnine in them so the reason you felt like shit was because you didn't clean all that fur off the curled under parts of a dried button.

stricnine (or however it is spelled) was the Bain of hippie drug users everywhere, it was in the peyote and the brown acid, it was the reason you got headaches or nausea or coulnt get it up or couldn't cum.

anyway, yeah, peyote is like a sensory veil over everything, a dreamstate, distance between you and the enhanced world. I thought that was the nature of mescaline, it isn't. There is nausea inherent in the chemical but only at higher doses and not for very long.

catofcuriosity can tell you more, he is the cactus go to guy. (oh, and there wasn't any stricnine)


Well-Known Member
Thanks canndo- I was just wondering, since the muscle tension and spasms that i get from Trichocereus species is pretty uncomfortable. It lasted for many hours. I guess i better really prepare myself for a peyote voyage and fast beforehand. I approach this cactus with respect and have plenty of time to do more research since they're just seedlings. Here they are, all 26 of them :-)DSCN0795.JPG I'm hardening them off so they can get used to their natural environment.


Well-Known Member
I spoke with a guy yesterday who had four buttons growing, the size of a quarter.

" I just can't WAIT to try this"

he wasn't very happy when I told him he had a few years and was probably 6 short anyway.
LoL- I am sure the peyote needs TIME in order to produce all those alkaloids. It's definitely not for the impatient. Cat of Curiosity said that they need to be about the size of a large orange, So i will wait till mine get about that size.


Well-Known Member
LoL- I am sure the peyote needs TIME in order to produce all those alkaloids. It's definitely not for the impatient. Cat of Curiosity said that they need to be about the size of a large orange, So i will wait till mine get about that size.
I have had them maybe dozen times, the most I suppose was a couple of cups of a nasty tea simmering in a big pot, maybe fifty or sixty of them.

the other times I ground them up or chewed them. None were ever larger than a golfball but they were dried and I don't really know how much smaller they get.


Well-Known Member
Did anyone experience horrid muscle-spasms during the come-up? I had them really bad both times i dosed Trichocereus species (Pedro & Brigdesii). The muscle-tension and body-load were really noticeable & uncomfortable. I will be fasting before any peyote experience so i hope that will help with any stomach issues. Still, i'm weary of the spasms and body-load the peyote may bring. Anyone know how to prepare yourself for a full-on peyote trip? I've had many "Level-5" mushroom trips, so i'm not worried about not being able to handle mescalines' psychedelic power. The physical side effects i mentioned are a hurdle i'd like to overcome though. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i wouldnt think so..two genetically different things..one is programmed to grow as it should,no matter where the source of energy,but thats me theorizin'...id ask some of the other cactus heads...