Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

me too. The first time the vet pulled out that looooong assed glove I knew it wasn't going to be good. LOL Our horse had colic and he had to reach into his ass and re arrange his gut. Not pretty. I thought the little guy was going to disappear arm first.

when our baby thoroughbred (race horse) was born the mom was against the wall so the baby wasn't coming out past barley an ankle showing, so I had to cut the birth sack and pull the baby out while the whole time trying to avoid flying kicks coming from the mom. By the time the babe was out i was covered in bloody placenta and horse cooter blood. I think i looked more bloody than the new born colt. I puked for an hour.
Next day the vet came out and my dad told him i got horse placenta all over my face and the vet got a serious look on his face and said i'll get some disease that will make my balls swell up to the size of grapefruits and possibly explode. So all that day i was constantly checking my balls. I looked it up on the net and it turns out the vet and my dad were just fucking with me. fucking vet.lol