How do you protect your garden?

just a medicator

Well-Known Member
Besides sleeping in the garden with a shotgun and dogs, what kind of security measures to you take to ensure the safety of your crop? I've heard of those trip lines that set off alarms or trip lines that shoot a shotgun shell off into the sky. I'm thinking of getting some night vision/IR monoculars as well. I don't have electricity available 24/7 so video cameras is kind of out of the picture. But I was thinking maybe some motion sensing lights? or could those disturb the dark cycle too much if it turns on too close to the plants and is just triggered by animals over and over?


Well-Known Member
Besides sleeping in the garden with a shotgun and dogs, what kind of security measures to you take to ensure the safety of your crop? I've heard of those trip lines that set off alarms or trip lines that shoot a shotgun shell off into the sky. I'm thinking of getting some night vision/IR monoculars as well. I don't have electricity available 24/7 so video cameras is kind of out of the picture. But I was thinking maybe some motion sensing lights? or could those disturb the dark cycle too much if it turns on too close to the plants and is just triggered by animals over and over?
The real question ...Is what do you protect your garden from, cams and shit only tell you info once its happened, ...too late! guns is a dumb move, and ain't healthy for plants either, and not much use against aphids a machete versus spider mites, ...spider mites win every time a risk reward ratio and see if you got bugs thats more serious than a flapping lower lip!


Well-Known Member
Trailcams. Check em every visit. That's about it really. They've come in handy.

For a few extra $$$ you can get the ones that send pictures directly to your phone/computer (I sugest a burner for non-legal areas)

But first thing you want to think about is if their found whats the plan .......... Most would say abandoned it , if thats the case no need to go for the big $$$ tacti-cool stuff , Some basic tracking skill will surfice for free , or some very low tech sensors


Well-Known Member
For a few extra $$$ you can get the ones that send pictures directly to your phone/computer (I sugest a burner for non-legal areas)

But first thing you want to think about is if their found whats the plan .......... Most would say abandoned it , if thats the case no need to go for the big $$$ tacti-cool stuff , Some basic tracking skill will surfice for free , or some very low tech sensors
If the cam was found then I'd know. It'd have shots of whoever it was checking it out or the camera itself would be stolen. Just chop the crop if it's found. Or move if it's in pots.