Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

I have had some strains for many years and got them from people that had them for many more than me. It doesn't matter if its the first clone or number one thousand, its the same exact plant. People will say they weaken but what it is is that they smoke the same strain and build a tolerance to it.

i can corroborate this. my longest running is going on 5 yrs now, i havent noticed any change in performance, quality, or effects.
Hey SS glad to see ya still around & getting even stronger.I don't come here a lot
anymore but while I was here I wanted to say thanks for the help over the years.Glad I caught that about the aquashield to h__ _ I already have the vitamino,Thanks.

PS I enjoyed jason at the beginning of this thread,I needed a laugh.But if he can follow directions he can do it to...maybe
Thanks nameno. I appreciate all the nice words from you and others. I do this because I love it and I've seen firsthand many times over the difference in people that are very sick going from hard pharmaceuticals to a natural product. I give anywhere from 4-8 ounces away every month to people that have extremely different diseases and illnesses and you would not believe the difference it makes in them.
I am currently 1300 miles from home and had to sign a do not resuscitate order on my father yesterday and will probably have to decide on removing the ventilator in the next two days. This all because he had to have a hip replaced again that was one of those defective medical products and during surgery the anesthesiologist burst his lungs. Another medical tragedy that shouldn't have happened and just shows that idiots are everywhere.
What do you call the person that graduates in last place from medical school? Doctor.
But what started it was my wife spent over 400 days in the hospital over a 26 month period and we went to every major medical center in the south before her doctor(head of a great medical school near us) told me to find something for her to smoke and see if it helped because nothing was helping. She went from severely malnourished and near death to a slow but consistant recovery that over the last three years has completely astonished every doctor that said to call family in because she wouldn't make it.
Everybody on here needs to know that life changes so fast and don't let the chance go by to tell people you care about how much they mean to you because tomorrow may be to late. I got the chance to talk with my father on the phone a couple of hours before he went to surgery last Monday not knowing this would happen but I can make these terrible decisions knowing he knew how I felt.
Life is too short for regrets guys.
Sorry to hear about your dad! Went through the same thing with my dad. Its hard, and made harder knowing a life was lost due to a fuck up. Giving what you grow to people that need it is a very noble thing indeed!!! Someday, hopefully, it will not be illegal here, but encouraged. Having access to life bettering medicine should be a right, not a privilege. Stay strong SS.
Also sorry to hear about your father,I have also had some terrible things happen to people close to me and it has made me paronoid being a father of 3,I always worry that something could happen to me or my wife and leave them devastated (trust me I know 1st hand how that feels).Heres hoping nothing like that ever happends to any of us on here.
If your going to claim 36-40oz every 2-3weeks you need to prove it before claiming it. It makes you look inexperienced and overly inflated in your skills to make such a premature claim. You framed the thread that way to trick readers like me to look into it only to discover that nothing backs up your claims. All I'm saying is don't talk the talk until you've walked the walk. 2.5lbs off that setup in 2-3!? hahaha good luck getting that in 8weeks!
If your going to claim 36-40oz every 2-3weeks you need to prove it before claiming it. It makes you look inexperienced and overly inflated in your skills to make such a premature claim. You framed the thread that way to trick readers like me to look into it only to discover that nothing backs up your claims. All I'm saying is don't talk the talk until you've walked the walk. 2.5lbs off that setup in 2-3!? hahaha good luck getting that in 8weeks!
Get a grip dude he has nothing to prove to you or any of us.
If your going to claim 36-40oz every 2-3weeks you need to prove it before claiming it. It makes you look inexperienced and overly inflated in your skills to make such a premature claim. You framed the thread that way to trick readers like me to look into it only to discover that nothing backs up your claims. All I'm saying is don't talk the talk until you've walked the walk. 2.5lbs off that setup in 2-3!? hahaha good luck getting that in 8weeks!

Hey brother, I have been running a modified version of the original SS system with 8 plants and have absolutely no problems pulling 2-2 1/2 lbs per run w/o co2 with one 1000 watt light.
I do not think a person with as much passion and ingenuity as Stink would have to bullshit for any reason
Dude just go away. I run 4 systems each under a 1k and have consistently harvested 2+ pounds for years now from EACH system EVERY harvest. You are not worth my time or experience. And if you could actually read and compute numbers you would see that the new system hasn't even harvested yet. And when it does it will be posted. Lazy fucks like you need to do your own research. Again, I don't need you or your shit so please just refrain from anymore posts on any of my threads..
Very nice design Super... I can tell you've put years into this to perfect everything and dial your setup in.

I'm extremely intrigued now, and once I move to a larger location and have more space, I'm going to do a demo run with this setup (along side my other tried/true methods and other experiments I'm running).

Thanks for your diligence in following through on this thread.

Thanks nameno. I appreciate all the nice words from you and others. I do this because I love it and I've seen firsthand many times over the difference in people that are very sick going from hard pharmaceuticals to a natural product. I give anywhere from 4-8 ounces away every month to people that have extremely different diseases and illnesses and you would not believe the difference it makes in them.
I am currently 1300 miles from home and had to sign a do not resuscitate order on my father yesterday and will probably have to decide on removing the ventilator in the next two days. This all because he had to have a hip replaced again that was one of those defective medical products and during surgery the anesthesiologist burst his lungs. Another medical tragedy that shouldn't have happened and just shows that idiots are everywhere.
What do you call the person that graduates in last place from medical school? Doctor.
But what started it was my wife spent over 400 days in the hospital over a 26 month period and we went to every major medical center in the south before her doctor(head of a great medical school near us) told me to find something for her to smoke and see if it helped because nothing was helping. She went from severely malnourished and near death to a slow but consistant recovery that over the last three years has completely astonished every doctor that said to call family in because she wouldn't make it.
Everybody on here needs to know that life changes so fast and don't let the chance go by to tell people you care about how much they mean to you because tomorrow may be to late. I got the chance to talk with my father on the phone a couple of hours before he went to surgery last Monday not knowing this would happen but I can make these terrible decisions knowing he knew how I felt.
Life is too short for regrets guys.
God bless you, man. I'm sorry to hear about your father.
Guys I'm very sorry that we had such a troll here. His stupid posts have been removed thanks to our great mods. There is a feature here that you can find by clicking on your name in upper right corner, beside "inbox". Then hit people you ignore. Love it.
What a little girl and some unprofessional moderators! Not that rollitup appears to reflect any sense of professionalism. Supersissy1 can get away with disrespectful personal attacks that are completely out of line just because someone questions his claims but somehow my posts which are completely in line are removed! What a joke Rollitup has become. Please do explain why my legitimate contributions to this thread have been removed? I'm not a troll just a fellow grower and contributor to this website, no different from you. Supersissy1 is the troll cloaked in his own ego.I was just trying to learn something new but just discovered a bunch of punks who can't back up their claims.
Guys I'm very sorry that we had such a troll here. His stupid posts have been removed thanks to our great mods. There is a feature here that you can find by clicking on your name in upper right corner, beside "inbox". Then hit people you ignore. Love it.
If anything people should be ignoring your false claims and Napoleonic Complex.
What a little girl and some unprofessional moderators! Not that rollitup appears to reflect any sense of professionalism. Supersissy1 can get away with disrespectful personal attacks that are completely out of line just because someone questions his claims but somehow my posts which are completely in line are removed! What a joke Rollitup has become. Please do explain why my legitimate contributions to this thread have been removed? I'm not a troll just a fellow grower and contributor to this website, no different from you. Supersissy1 is the troll cloaked in his own ego.I was just trying to learn something new but just discovered a bunch of punks who can't back up their claims.

the fact that you are talking shit right now shows how little you know about this community, and how long you havent been here. ss has been around for a minute or two, and many of us have benefited from the information in his threads. if you legitimately think that what you read here is bullshit, why are you even posting? either pay attention and learn something, or leave. dont shit where im trying to learn.