Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

What are you talking about? That is all Superstoner was doing hours ago when I asked how producing 2+ pounds under a 1000w on 3 rails was possible! How blind and biased can one be? Who would want to be a part of this community with a bunch of people who can't respect one another and provide actual proof to back up their claims. Just because someone has been around for a long time means you must stand behind them even when they are in the wrong? The only reason I'm posting now is because I'm standing up for myself and am getting lip from a bunch of righteous disrespectful punks. I simply questioned someones claims and got overly aggressive feedback. Plain and simple. And I'm the one in the wrong. Good joke!
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I wish success for everyone of course but the moment I express doubt in someone else's claims I am immediately in the wrong and attacked personally? I don't think I am the problem in that equation!
Guys I'm very sorry that we had such a troll here. His stupid posts have been removed thanks to our great mods. There is a feature here that you can find by clicking on your name in upper right corner, beside "inbox". Then hit people you ignore. Love it.
Yea great mods for removing posts that didn't violate any rules and allowing your pathetic remarks and personal attacks to stand. You only claim my posts are stupid in defense because you can't find it in yourself to get over your own ego. You sir look like the stupid one in this situation.
Hey brother, I have been running a modified version of the original SS system with 8 plants and have absolutely no problems pulling 2-2 1/2 lbs per run w/o co2 with one 1000 watt light.
I do not think a person with as much passion and ingenuity as Stink would have to bullshit for any reason
Still waiting on that proof of such claims!:sleep:
If someone is actually pulling these numbers they wouldn't just be bragging about it but they would actually be posting photos of their setup and showing it off to everyone. From the looks of your past threads your claims of 2+ pounds with one 1000w on that rail system you made is pretty hard to believe. I would think you would have refuted my doubts but I think I still stand uncorrected.
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just found this thread. watching intently.

dude. you have no idea who youre talking to. you ever see tombstone? (if no, watch and continue reading) that scene near the beginning where billy bob thorton realizes hes holding a gun to doc holiday and wyatt erp? thats you right now.
lol. its nice. but a lot of usless wasted money that's not needed.or maybe it is in his situation. I don't know. but the twat ass remark could have stayed in the closet with the fag who had it. I don't live in fear of any douchebag.
Hey SS was woundering how often do you drain your system and refill do you just topp off with nutes and water daily or weekly???thanx
If your going to claim 36-40oz every 2-3weeks you need to prove it before claiming it. It makes you look inexperienced and overly inflated in your skills to make such a premature claim. You framed the thread that way to trick readers like me to look into it only to discover that nothing backs up your claims. All I'm saying is don't talk the talk until you've walked the walk. 2.5lbs off that setup in 2-3!? hahaha good luck getting that in 8weeks!

Why come in here and insult?
I get close to that running the same setup.
Still waiting on that proof of such claims!:sleep:
If someone is actually pulling these numbers they wouldn't just be bragging about it but they would actually be posting photos of their setup and showing it off to everyone. From the looks of your past threads your claims of 2+ pounds with one 1000w on that rail system you made is pretty hard to believe. I would think you would have refuted my doubts but I think I still stand uncorrected.

Bro, Please leave. This is a good productive thread, like all of superstoners threads.
Also he has been through alot. Please take your negatively else where. If you don't believe then thats fine, Just leave.

We believe and we are here.
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If your going to claim 36-40oz every 2-3weeks you need to prove it before claiming it. It makes you look inexperienced and overly inflated in your skills to make such a premature claim. You framed the thread that way to trick readers like me to look into it only to discover that nothing backs up your claims. All I'm saying is don't talk the talk until you've walked the walk. 2.5lbs off that setup in 2-3!? hahaha good luck getting that in 8weeks!
The good thing about SS is he has already backed up everything hes done since hes been on here and judging by the fact that you even question him shows you must be a noob arond here.I love how people come on here and shit all over someone,yet dont know what the hell their talking about,which shows 2 things,your a dumbass that dosent know what your talking about,and trying a lame way to get noticed on here.Keep pulling shit like this on here and you wont get far,might as well make another account because you just made yourself look like a damn fool.
My original schedule was mostly changing res every 3 weeks but now I do it every 2 weeks. I never add more nutes to a res after it is started and with my res size it will last that time period except the last two weeks when plants are swollen and huge and suck it down fast. Then I add just water and let ppm drop so plants start getting ready to harvest.
My original schedule was mostly changing res every 3 weeks but now I do it every 2 weeks. I never add more nutes to a res after it is started and with my res size it will last that time period except the last two weeks when plants are swollen and huge and suck it down fast. Then I add just water and let ppm drop so plants start getting ready to harvest.
Thank you , exactly what I didn't to hear , so ill grab 40 gallon Rez change out every two weeks . With my dwc I was adding back nutes every day shit got to be a pain in the ass,
I run this type of system as well, and am positive these yields are possible!, thank you for all of your info and time SS1. I can't seem to find that walmart res.