Well-Known Member
So my CK has been nothing but trouble for me this entire grow as massive and beautiful as she is...shes a bitch...
A week ago she started showing signs of nutrient burn with the leaf tips burnt and moved quickly up to the tips of the colas but the burn is located at the tip and at the edges. Thankfully it hasn't spread far up the leaves. I fed water for 3 days straight when I first noticed and then bumped my nutes down from 1100 to 800 during the res change after the 3 days of straight water... This was a bad idea. it slowed the spread but it was still too high so I fed with just straight water for another couple of days.
The spread was super slow, even slower, but it was still spreading so I kept giving straight water after the res change but every watering the PPM seemed to have rose from the day before and the PH would jump by about 1 whole point...
FINALLY I JUST SAID FUCK IT. And I just flushed an hour ago. I changed the whole res out again with pure water no nutrients.
How long do I flush for?
How is this going to affect my potency/yield?
After flushing can I use the same water and just add nutrients slowly? or do I have to do another res change with fresh water + nutes?
Nute burn = build up of salts in leafs --> evaporation focused at tips + edges first --> cause of burn
Does plant just keep using the excess nutrients and uptake water or will the
The tent is 4x4

Also the new growth on the bottom most leaves seeming to be turning pale 

A week ago she started showing signs of nutrient burn with the leaf tips burnt and moved quickly up to the tips of the colas but the burn is located at the tip and at the edges. Thankfully it hasn't spread far up the leaves. I fed water for 3 days straight when I first noticed and then bumped my nutes down from 1100 to 800 during the res change after the 3 days of straight water... This was a bad idea. it slowed the spread but it was still too high so I fed with just straight water for another couple of days.
The spread was super slow, even slower, but it was still spreading so I kept giving straight water after the res change but every watering the PPM seemed to have rose from the day before and the PH would jump by about 1 whole point...
FINALLY I JUST SAID FUCK IT. And I just flushed an hour ago. I changed the whole res out again with pure water no nutrients.
How long do I flush for?
How is this going to affect my potency/yield?
After flushing can I use the same water and just add nutrients slowly? or do I have to do another res change with fresh water + nutes?
Nute burn = build up of salts in leafs --> evaporation focused at tips + edges first --> cause of burn
Does plant just keep using the excess nutrients and uptake water or will the
The tent is 4x4