car payment = sex twice a week


New Member
sigh.... I think that sex should not be used to attain anything but physical and emotional comfort and pleasure, and that any exchange in cash value is despicable and a statement of deep inner problems..... I don't even like writing about it at all... I am a guy, and I love sex just as much as any one else. I just think there are acceptable/respectable methods of attaining/doing it, and there unacceptable ways. Both sexes should have equal value in sexual interactions....
Yeah, when we need help in a man/man sort of situation we will certainly give you the call first:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the only reason i have these attitudes are because im growing a lot of white widow in a state where its not exactly loved by the government
other wise ill take my female bipolar relationship just like the next guy
there is no reason why i cant get laid without them finding my plants......ok im moving to california


Well-Known Member
hmmm, the more people move to Cali for this, the less there are to be active across the rest of the country. I think people should stay where they are at, come out of the closet, and rock our gov


Well-Known Member
i personally think its going to take a full generation to start to make changes
like bob dylan said about wanting to deal with people with a full head of hair ..........another words we want to be judged and our laws to be written by people that actually are our age and understand our needs and not some old grey haired person that is out of touch.......just look at these left wing loon supreme justices (yes 4 of them) that voted against the 2nd amendment to ban us having guns (it was a dc cast im refering too)......thank god the 5 judges stood strong and we the people can actually do what the constitution says we can