may my seedlings need nutes?


Active Member
I have four seedlings, sprouted out of soil about 15 days ago. They look good, but there is zero growth, they look the same as the 3 days after they sprouted. The first 2 leaves ( not the cotyledons? ) have grown a bit, but no new growth, my temps are fine, lights are fine, not under or over watered, they look healthy, no drooping, in fact they are "praying" very nicely, just no growth.

They are in a local potting soil mix, cant get the brands talked about on the board over here.

Can it be that they need nutes?


Well-Known Member
If they are in seedling trays, now is a good time to transplant them into a party cup with fresh soil which will be all the fert they need. If they are in larger pots with good soil, you will just need to be patient.


Well-Known Member
In the uk potting soil is stronger than seedling soil and most local seedling soils will take you from seedling into veg with no nutes for at leasr three weeks. Total mistake ferting seedlings in potting soil, if they have problems it would be from too many nutes in the soil to start with. Next grow use weakened down seedling soil and pot up from there. No way these seedlings need ferts. Just my 2cents...


Active Member
If it is that the soil might be to heavy, will they pull through, just slower, or will they be stunted forever.

First pic is when the seedling was when the seedling was three days out of soil, and the second is from today, which is 10 days out of soil (I thought it was 15, but miscalculated it somehow)20140822_151151.jpg 20140830_154326.jpg 20140830_154347.jpg . As you can see, there is no real progress. Maybe the roots are still developing?


Active Member
What soil exactly
The soil is Cultura potting soil, I dont get the brands offered on the site over here, and afaik, no one will know cultura, as it is a local product.

pots are big enough for that size?
Asking or telling?

last pic. looks like soil to wet, you have good drainage in pots
That pic was taken seconds after I watered her, she gets bone dry before every watering, and yes, the pots has hood drainage.


Well-Known Member
The soil doesn't look amazing plus it is probably growing roots Iv have plants sit pretty much still for weeks then all of a sudden shoot out in growth, the leaves look a little light in color


Well-Known Member
A potting soil is generally a well fertilized soil reguardless of make or manufacturer. Your right i dont know your soil but potting soils round the uk will stunt a seedling after few days and it wont grow again till the ferts wash out or the root system grows big enough.

There will be new growth eventually and if that looks bad id say its just the soil being too strong. Seedling soil weakened with coco, perlite etc will give you a better starting medium then you can pot up to potting soil.

One way to check is go buy a big tom or pepper plant etc from the local garden centre and stick it in a big pot of your soil, if it grows healthy and fast then yer your soil was way too hot for seedlings. Most soils kick the ferts in at 1.2ec to 1.6ec which is way too high for seedlings hence why seedlings stunt and wait patiently for better conditions.

Dont be banging your head against the wall with your soil just try it with a big hungry plant and get a judgement on its fert levels.

Also why not grab that fert bottle and whatch it fry from even more overdose just to check it wasnt a deficiency.


Active Member
The soil doesn't look amazing plus it is probably growing roots Iv have plants sit pretty much still for weeks then all of a sudden shoot out in growth, the leaves look a little light in color
I also noticed the leaves look a little light, can that indicate over nuting from soil?


Well-Known Member

No ferts just seedling soil, the seedling that stunted is only just starting to show normal growth and my plants have been a light colour since they popped. Hope this helps as a reference for soil grows and the strength of potting soil which im just trying to ease into the seedling soil. Got slight tip burn atm but not noticable. This is a trial run to guage my soil strength before i start a bigger crop next.

Think we can all agree seedling and potting soils across the uk are at the limits of what marijuana can take.

My potting soil would keep a six footer happy with its nute levels. If i cut the soil a bit weaker think ill have perfect plants no added nutes.

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
If it is that the soil might be to heavy, will they pull through, just slower, or will they be stunted forever.

First pic is when the seedling was when the seedling was three days out of soil, and the second is from today, which is 10 days out of soil (I thought it was 15, but miscalculated it somehow)View attachment 3242058 View attachment 3242060 View attachment 3242065 . As you can see, there is no real progress. Maybe the roots are still developing?
I dunno man, I see quite a bit of progress between those first two pictures. Most of the plant's energy will be devoted to root growth at this stage anyhow, I wouldn't really fret about it. I mean, look at the true leaves, they were much smaller than the cotyledons 7 days ago, and today they are over twice as big as them. Percentage wise, in terms of actual plant matter in the leaves, that's a pretty hefty increase. Might not be the speediest plant, but I definitely wouldn't say that I see "no real progress"


Active Member
I dunno man, I see quite a bit of progress between those first two pictures. Most of the plant's energy will be devoted to root growth at this stage anyhow, I wouldn't really fret about it. I mean, look at the true leaves, they were much smaller than the cotyledons 7 days ago, and today they are over twice as big as them. Percentage wise, in terms of actual plant matter in the leaves, that's a pretty hefty increase. Might not be the speediest plant, but I definitely wouldn't say that I see "no real progress"
Thanks, that gives me some hope. I juat heard that plants grow up to 2cm a day, so I was thinking these should be way bigger by now. I will check the progress in the next 2 weeks or so

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
The soil is Cultura potting soil, I dont get the brands offered on the site over here, and afaik, no one will know cultura, as it is a local product.
Could you be talking about Culterra perhaps? If so, their soil and ferts are listen on their website, maybe you could point out which one you usin so we can give more specific advice knowing what specifically your plants are in?


Well-Known Member

Heres the link for Culterra, notice the seedling soil... If you didnt use this then thats seriously the only problem.

Why use seedling soil? Because it has a lower NPK designed not to fry your seedlings and stunt them in your tracks.

Soil seems fine but you seem to have opted for the stronger potting soil which is a big no no for seedlings.

The main barrier soil growers face is having to choose the right soil for each stage hence why John Innes makes either 1,2 or 3 strength soil. Even then id weaken the seedling soil down by a third for those sensitive roots.

I know this from experience and many time i had plants like yours when i started seedlings in too strong soil.


Well-Known Member
I recomend adding somthing to weaken down as most seedling soils still have generous amounts of ferts in to. Most soils seem to say feeds for four weeks which is a dead give away that there pretty loaded already.

Soil mixes the world over seem to follow the same general principles and fert levels. The fact that one soil is seedling soil and one is potting soil should make you think there are differences here.

I would do a test run on the seedling soil first and i think the answer to your thread is definatly no this seedling dosent need ferts.

Growing an african strain by chance?