What strain is best for Fibromyalgia?


Active Member
As the title says, what strain, available through a LP please, is best for Fibromyalgia? To compound the problem add in PTSD and you have my challenge. Seems like Sativa is best for PTSD and the depressive issues that go with it but indica is for pain and fibromyalgia. I assume a hybrid is the answer but whic? How about high CBD strains like Cannatonic?
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Well-Known Member
If you have options, try a few. You'll get to see what works the best for you.

(That wasn't supposed to rhyme)

I have a friend that has fibromyalgia - and actually cookies work the best for her (Edibles). It keeps a fairly constant level of THC in her blood, and she said it takes her pain down from a "7" to something a lot more manageable.

She is waiting for a prescription from her Doctor, and then she might be able to have more choices than what is currently available in my town.

If you're in an area that may have a Compassionate Club - you can get edibles and extracts from them, I think.

If not - get your prescription - and try a few.

- Sativa
- Hybrid
- Indica
- high CBD

Then, you can turn your prescription into your own butter, very easily. And then - cookies for days...

My advice. I don't actually know what it's like the have PTSD or Fibro. I just know for my level of messed-up, MMJ is really doing the trick!

Good luck!


Active Member
If you have options, try a few. You'll get to see what works the best for you.

(That wasn't supposed to rhyme)

I have a friend that has fibromyalgia - and actually cookies work the best for her (Edibles). It keeps a fairly constant level of THC in her blood, and she said it takes her pain down from a "7" to something a lot more manageable.

She is waiting for a prescription from her Doctor, and then she might be able to have more choices than what is currently available in my town.

If you're in an area that may have a Compassionate Club - you can get edibles and extracts from them, I think.

If not - get your prescription - and try a few.

- Sativa
- Hybrid
- Indica
- high CBD

Then, you can turn your prescription into your own butter, very easily. And then - cookies for days...

My advice. I don't actually know what it's like the have PTSD or Fibro. I just know for my level of messed-up, MMJ is really doing the trick!

Good luck!
That was my Doctors advice also. Try strains until I hit the one or combo that works. That's one thing I am upset with my LP about, when I asked if I could get sample packs, i.e. 1 gram of each they sell to try before I commit to one, they said no, 5 gram packs minimum. That is a lot of waste and a ton of money thrown out the window since some of those strains have proven to be way too strong for me (Pink Kush, Diamong OG or OG Shark for example) or keep me up at night until 4 in the morning even if I smoke at 6 PM (Sour Diesel, Sweet Skunk or Green Cush). So far OG Kush for day use mixed 50:50 with Cannatonic and Purple Kush for night mixed again 50:50 with Cannatonic seems to be the best I can do. Hopefully the new hybrids coming out like Haoma and Equinox will be targeted a bit better.

I am worried about edibles, I have all that extra weed I wont smoke so I thought of trying cannabutter but everything I read tells me edibles can be tricky. Very easy to take way too much.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
If you have options, try a few. You'll get to see what works the best for you.

(That wasn't supposed to rhyme)

I have a friend that has fibromyalgia - and actually cookies work the best for her (Edibles). It keeps a fairly constant level of THC in her blood, and she said it takes her pain down from a "7" to something a lot more manageable.

She is waiting for a prescription from her Doctor, and then she might be able to have more choices than what is currently available in my town.

If you're in an area that may have a Compassionate Club - you can get edibles and extracts from them, I think.

If not - get your prescription - and try a few.

- Sativa
- Hybrid
- Indica
- high CBD

Then, you can turn your prescription into your own butter, very easily. And then - cookies for days...

My advice. I don't actually know what it's like the have PTSD or Fibro. I just know for my level of messed-up, MMJ is really doing the trick!

Good luck!
You getting smarter all the time about this stuff I see.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
This is almost useless info I have but will offer it anyway. I know a lady with eye issues who is almost blind that swears by Purple Kush. I'm sorry i don't know the name of her eye disease. Sorry I don't know more.


Well-Known Member
Yessica is spot on with edibles for fibro....i have Lyme Disease which is very close to fibro...Chem dog worked for me and also Blue dream..and also Snowcap..I believe snow cap have been changed to a new name now...

but i get better relief from edibles than smoking..except when i vape ..that works good also..more of a body high...edibles also..its like doing perks in a way..relieves the pains...

as you said you can over do the edibles at first...start small and work up to your needs...when I first started doing edibles my son made me 3 pounds of butter fron bud an sugar leaves...then made some great brownies from it...i ate a whole one...i thot i was talking to god..lol..was so fked up...i was numb...but no pain...now I just start off with a 1/4 of a brownie and work up...it all depends how straong your strain an butter is.....

on a side note..my son makes some crazy good lemonade...at was a hit at the secret cup in RI...he makes it with oil conentrate..boy is it so good...a 16 oz jar you can drink 3 times from it...and its fresh lemonade..he sells it in canning jars with his label on it...sells over 50 jars a week..so it must be good....he makes some type of bacon brownies also...yummy

but vaping will help better than bong or pipe hits...I vape nightly for pain ..or eat a brownie and get stupid...haha

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Yessica is spot on with edibles for fibro....i have Lyme Disease which is very close to fibro...Chem dog worked for me and also Blue dream..and also Snowcap..I believe snow cap have been changed to a new name now...

but i get better relief from edibles than smoking..except when i vape ..that works good also..more of a body high...edibles also..its like doing perks in a way..relieves the pains...

as you said you can over do the edibles at first...start small and work up to your needs...when I first started doing edibles my son made me 3 pounds of butter fron bud an sugar leaves...then made some great brownies from it...i ate a whole one...i thot i was talking to god..lol..was so fked up...i was numb...but no pain...now I just start off with a 1/4 of a brownie and work up...it all depends how straong your strain an butter is.....

on a side note..my son makes some crazy good lemonade...at was a hit at the secret cup in RI...he makes it with oil conentrate..boy is it so good...a 16 oz jar you can drink 3 times from it...and its fresh lemonade..he sells it in canning jars with his label on it...sells over 50 jars a week..so it must be good....he makes some type of bacon brownies also...yummy

but vaping will help better than bong or pipe hits...I vape nightly for pain ..or eat a brownie and get stupid...haha
You son sounds like quite the chef ! Bravo Chef. All those edible sounds interesting. Lemonade...very cool lol How is that done...sounds good.


Well-Known Member
I am worried about edibles, I have all that extra weed I wont smoke so I thought of trying cannabutter but everything I read tells me edibles can be tricky. Very easy to take way too much.
I think I have a "b" next to my name or something? Anywho - it's my butter, AND cookie recipe. Not really hard at all, and a really good use of your medicine if you want it to last a long time.

I have actually (in the past) screened the plant for hash, and then used the screened bud for cooking cannibutter.

You can also use PVB (Pre-vaped Bud) in cooking.

It's like the boy scout/ girl guide method to making edibles. USE EVERYTHING.

Since you have a low tolerance, you would want to make your butter so that you are consuming 0.1-0.5 of a gram of bud, per "serving" or cookie. Best way - TEST. Go really small at first, like 1/4 cookie. Wait a couple hours, see how you feel - then, if you want - try more.

Oh here it is:

There are probably better ways - but this works for me, every time.


Well-Known Member
I am worried about edibles, I have all that extra weed I wont smoke so I thought of trying cannabutter but everything I read tells me edibles can be tricky. Very easy to take way too much.
I decided to make capsules for this reason. I fill the capsules with the same amount of Cannatonic each time (I weigh them) and have a fairly standardized dose. It also means I can carry them in my purse, or backpack or tackle box. (it's hard to take brownies fishing) The only drawback I've found is that they take about an hour or more to start to work, then the strength builds gradually for a couple hours. It takes 6-8 hours to wear off. I can take one before bed, wake up refreshed and not stoned, with no pain, then go on with my day. Or I can take one before I leave for work, and it will kick in while I'm checking my email, and I'm good all day.


Well-Known Member
I decided to make capsules for this reason. I fill the capsules with the same amount of Cannatonic each time (I weigh them) and have a fairly standardized dose. It also means I can carry them in my purse, or backpack or tackle box. (it's hard to take brownies fishing) The only drawback I've found is that they take about an hour or more to start to work, then the strength builds gradually for a couple hours. It takes 6-8 hours to wear off. I can take one before bed, wake up refreshed and not stoned, with no pain, then go on with my day. Or I can take one before I leave for work, and it will kick in while I'm checking my email, and I'm good all day.
How do you make the capsules? THIS sounds perfect for my mom!

She's so used to taking pills (she's 70) so I think that would be easy for her to wrap her head around.


Well-Known Member
I always find it interesting when people ask about a certain strain for a certain ailment. What works for one person won't necessarily work for the next even though you could have identical medical conditions. Every person's endocannibinoid system is unique to that person thus different strains affect people differently. All you really can do is sample and experiment until you find what works. I suggest looking more at THC and CBD profiles/ratios and think about it that way, do you need high THC? high CBD? a 2:1 ratio? a 3:1 ratio etc. Method of uptake also seems to play a part in what sort of relief you may experience, like others have said try edibles or capsules, maybe a tincture etc.


Well-Known Member
How do you make the capsules? THIS sounds perfect for my mom!

She's so used to taking pills (she's 70) so I think that would be easy for her to wrap her head around.

Single 0 capsule holds about 1/3 g, double 00 holds 1/2 g. I found 1/2g was too much for daytime. Single 0 is better, but fussier to fill. Grind up your mmj real fine in a magic bullet or coffee grinder. The key is to decarb your mmj on a cookie sheet in the oven for 4 mins at 285 degrees. Then just follow the instructions, pour the cooled, decarbed, mmj over the surface of the capsules, spread with the thing, tamp, spread, tamp, spread, tamp and put the tops on. Takes me about 15 mins to turn 20 g into 60 size 0 capsules.

Keep in mind that mmj taken this way has the side effect of working a lot like metamucil. You become very regular.


Well-Known Member

Single 0 capsule holds about 1/3 g, double 00 holds 1/2 g. I found 1/2g was too much for daytime. Single 0 is better, but fussier to fill. Grind up your mmj real fine in a magic bullet or coffee grinder. The key is to decarb your mmj on a cookie sheet in the oven for 4 mins at 285 degrees. Then just follow the instructions, pour the cooled, decarbed, mmj over the surface of the capsules, spread with the thing, tamp, spread, tamp, spread, tamp and put the tops on. Takes me about 15 mins to turn 20 g into 60 size 0 capsules.

Keep in mind that mmj taken this way has the side effect of working a lot like metamucil. You become very regular.
I feel like you could do the same thing, but you could fill the capsules with cannabis coconut oil or butter?

I think the plant matter would be keeping folks "regular".

I have eaten the butter raw, and for some reason I think it hits harder/ is easier to digest in cookie form (baked).

But oil may be easier? I do not know - but I'm gonna try!

Looks like being reg. would be a side effect of the oil probably as well...


Well-Known Member
Its my understanding that the act of heating the coconut oil/butter releases the thc into the oil and allows your body to absorb it better. That's why I decarboxylate the raw mmj before putting it in the capsules.

I went with it straight because I didn't want to have to refrigerate the capsules and am really not looking to get high, especially since my job requires me to be on top of my game at all times. Also doing the oil thing adds extra steps/time to the whole production process and is messy.


Active Member
I think I have a "b" next to my name or something? Anywho - it's my butter, AND cookie recipe. Not really hard at all, and a really good use of your medicine if you want it to last a long time.

I have actually (in the past) screened the plant for hash, and then used the screened bud for cooking cannibutter.

You can also use PVB (Pre-vaped Bud) in cooking.

It's like the boy scout/ girl guide method to making edibles. USE EVERYTHING.

Since you have a low tolerance, you would want to make your butter so that you are consuming 0.1-0.5 of a gram of bud, per "serving" or cookie. Best way - TEST. Go really small at first, like 1/4 cookie. Wait a couple hours, see how you feel - then, if you want - try more.

Oh here it is:

There are probably better ways - but this works for me, every time.
Thanks definitely will give it a try


Active Member
One quick newbie question on edibles before I dive in. Does the MJ baked into the edible keep all of its pre-baked properties? What I mean is does the Indica versus sativa effect carry over after it is metabolized by the liver or is the effect the same no matter what strain is used since the liver does the job this time around? If sativa makes me hyper when smoked will the same thing happen when ingested?


Well-Known Member
One quick newbie question on edibles before I dive in. Does the MJ baked into the edible keep all of its pre-baked properties? What I mean is does the Indica versus sativa effect carry over after it is metabolized by the liver or is the effect the same no matter what strain is used since the liver does the job this time around? If sativa makes me hyper when smoked will the same thing happen when ingested?
I am going to assume this - but I have generally cooked with plants my friends have grown in the past.

I will test it soon, and let you know!

I'm going to assume - yeah.

Maybe someone else knows better though?