The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I've seen a few nasty salvia bids on pootube and its always put me off it....however there are some really funny salvia trip vids...the mongole bids are obviously dicks to get in that state and dont know how to take drugs


Well-Known Member
Watever do as you plz,Ive seen the stuff made.Very bad,heart beat erratic.Thats all I know,was not at the damn hospital.
well if you didn't know you shouldn't of said anything, I'm sorry if I offend you but if ur gonna say something about a drug that as no known deaths then you gotta back that shit up with cold hard facts. N those erratic heart beats sound like panic attacks lol
you need to know what your in for with hallucinogens I wouldn't go giving someone known to suffer from psychosis any hallucinogen for obvious reasons nor would I give them cannabis, does that mean cannabis causes psychosis..nope but if you already have problems accepting reality drugs aren't for you lol. n again I feel with mods I need to mention I'm not attaching your carector I'm just conversing.


Well-Known Member
Think he means salvia? Weren't there also 30 mj overdoses on the day it legalized in Colorado lmao....were all pretty switchedon drug wise in here and we know our limits and how to be safe with Ilive drugs but would never die for em fuvk tthat...drugs are to make your life better that's what I say anyway lolol
Control the Drug,Don't let the Drug control you.


Well-Known Member
that's exactly it man. Have you seen how hash is mate? Dunno how u fancy yanks got ur hash back in the day but we had soap bar n that shits made to a very very very dodgy standard.
Heard about it.Did a long time ago get reall good Blonde.In 1980.


Well-Known Member
Heard about it.Did a long time ago get reall good Blonde.In 1980.
I'm from Ireland...only last ten yrs we got decent hash, before that was soap bar..hash with plastic in it lol also the street weed is heavily HEAVILY sprayed n it's 2.5g for 50e n that 2.5 is probably 1g before you spray it.


Well-Known Member
Well that didnt go down too well lol

Just had a visit from the health visitor for new baby , old african woman, keep calling me "boy" whenever she talks to me, have asked her numerous times to stop it an she just aint getting the hint...........did it again today so i told her " if you keep calling me boy simply coz im a lot younger than you then i am going to start calling you a golleywog simply because you are black, fair deal?"

she then comes back with " call me a gollywog an ill have you" to which i replied " go for me luv ani wont knock you into next week ill knock you so far into the past you will see your ancestors picking fucking cotton you fucking mouthy silverback"

so, safe to say this will probably lead to some hassles for us somewhere after she stormed out lmao