Whatcha think about my first LSTs?


Well-Known Member
bravedave was not so during his first grow when it came to cropping etc...so I have made up for it a bit... LSTing most and supercropping some of my 2nd grow clones.





Well-Known Member
Not bad. LST or not though and I don't know if u have height or space restrictions, the pots look small and they will get root bound quickly.


Well-Known Member
Thanks...good eye, OJ. I am at 50 days of flower on my FG and started these from cuttings done a week+ before the start of that. I AM currently limited on space, as these need to exist in a 4'x2' starter cabinet before they get dropped on the floor in the main room. They were just growing too fast in there so I topped them at first and now LSTed. Bottom line is I have avoided moving them to the 3 gl. poly bags as right now I would rather growth be slow. Matter of fact...that may be my next post here...what is a good way to systematically slow growth??


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, looking good! You can top each branch to slow down vertical growth. I had a green crack that was growing way too fast for my space and after topping for the 5th time upward growth finally came to a stop. She's about 7 feet wide though, so keep in mind you'll need more horizontal space.


Well-Known Member
These are American kush mainlining for 8 colas. This is about two weeks of LST. The tall one is Sensistar was fimmed because it was growing smaller than the kush so I decided not to mainline.