Stupid f*****g neighbours!!

What would you do?

  • Throw a petrol bomb on their terrace

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Go around there and make him eat it

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Ask nicely for it to be taken down, prob too late now

    Votes: 17 65.4%
  • Pray to God that it won't blow on my girls and say nothing

    Votes: 4 15.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
It's always great to wake up, look out the window and see that your neighbours are keeping a male MJ plant. I noticed it was seperated (only by 5 metres) recently and now I'm sure it's got pollen sacks/balls hanging all over it.

I've got 8 girls on my terrace 50M away in full flower.

How can people be so stupid? His other plants look crap and deficient.

So, what would you do if you saw this? I'm fucking screwing btw and it takes quite a bit to piss me off.


Well-Known Member
That's sucks... it's something all outdoor growers gotta deal with hopefully the winds blowing the other way!
Going to take photos later out the window and upload them to show you. def looks male.

Unless I get a better suggestion I'm planning on sending my bf round there.. It's not hard, I'll ring the top bell. Also I've got indoor and an AC unit within 30 metres. Worried the AC will bring it indoors. Got 3 harvests this mth.


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about just simply talking to him normally about it? might be he is inexperienced and doesnt even know its male etc

Also the fact you are female means you can probably charm him easier than your b/f can lol
I think they are young. I live in a grow barrio and I can see five different neighbours with plants out the back. They wouldn't be happy either. There's a 6 bed indoor grow on my other side. Hope they are using filters.

It's annoying coz we have grow shops everywhere and I even sell clones. New customer for next year?

They may not listen to me but they WILL listen to my bf.


Well-Known Member
I think they are young. I live in a grow barrio and I can see five different neighbours with plants out the back. They wouldn't be happy either. There's a 6 bed indoor grow on my other side. Hope they are using filters.

It's annoying coz we have grow shops everywhere and I even sell clones. New customer for next year?

They may not listen to me but they WILL listen to my bf.

Or ur bf whould piss them off which whould piss more peoples off

Then you'll down right have a brawl with like 4 other people u probably dont even kno


Well-Known Member
I think they are young. I live in a grow barrio and I can see five different neighbours with plants out the back. They wouldn't be happy either. There's a 6 bed indoor grow on my other side. Hope they are using filters.

It's annoying coz we have grow shops everywhere and I even sell clones. New customer for next year?

They may not listen to me but they WILL listen to my bf.
Just give em a friendly knock and chat an see where it leads, if that dont work then consider sending your b/f round.....

No point causing a situation if there isnt a need for it


Well-Known Member
Have you thought about just simply talking to him normally about it? might be he is inexperienced and doesnt even know its male etc

Also the fact you are female means you can probably charm him easier than your b/f can lol
Id agree with that, there's not much a motivated woman could not convince a bloke to do. Try talking nicely yourself, using reason and femininity but if that fails. Make them eat it.


Well-Known Member
I voted "all of the above."

First attempt persuasive diplomacy. If that's not enough, use your "girl power." If that's not enough, get pushy. If that's still not enough, attempt to feed them their own plant. If you still haven't managed to get the problem taken care of, a remotely delivered and well-placed incendiary device should suffice.

My own idea, assuming diplomacy is not an option, would be to ninja over there and wrap the whole plant in a sealed bag, with a note attached, saying something like "please keep your POLLEN contained! I do not want seeds in my plants!"


Well-Known Member
In these cases its best to go on a mission and do it yourself like Archer style, cause if you ask and he says no then you go on a mission hell have strong suspicions. People here are really ignorant he might not know what it does or something. You could prolly get a kids water gun and just aim for the soil and leaves with bleach (and amonia if youre in that mooid) kill it in a matter of a few hours.
My neighbours already been nicked his plants and they werent even flowering propperly yet. Hope your crop doesnt get ruined...
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Well-Known Member
In these cases its best to go on a mission and do it yourself like james bond style, cause if you ask and he says no then you go on a mission hell have strong suspicions. People here are really ignorant he might not know what it does or something. You could prolly get a kids water gun and just aim for the soil and leaves with bleach (and amonia if youre in that mooid) kill it in a matter of a few hours.
My neighbours already been nicked his plants and they werent even flowering propperly yet. Hope your crop doesnt get ruined...
I find it unlikely that anyone who Doesn't know what male cannabis does, would separate the plant (apparently in a container) from their other plants. The mere fact that they moved it away from the others, shows that they know what it is. Why else would they move it away from the others? If they have cannabis in a container outside, intentionally, and it has grown well enough to reach maturity... they know what it is, and they know it's capable of pollinating every other cannabis plant within a large radius.

Either they are assuming no one else grows near them, or they don't care, or they're doing it intentionally. It's one of those... but it is not "they don't know what it is/does." Cannabis in a container means they know what it is, and what it does.


Well-Known Member
I find it unlikely that anyone who Doesn't know what male cannabis does, would separate the plant (apparently in a container) from their other plants. The mere fact that they moved it away from the others, shows that they know what it is. Why else would they move it away from the others? If they have cannabis in a container outside, intentionally, and it has grown well enough to reach maturity... they know what it is, and they know it's capable of pollinating every other cannabis plant within a large radius.

Either they are assuming no one else grows near them, or they don't care, or they're doing it intentionally. It's one of those... but it is not "they don't know what it is/does." Cannabis in a container means they know what it is, and what it does.
You are all right. Exactly this ^^^^. They have other plants, weak females and have only moved them 5 metres from the male. They don't realise that pollen can travel. I'll take photos later.