? about VG tinture and ISO


Well-Known Member

well buddy and i made up some VG tinture for ecigs

well we got as much as we could out of using a press ..........i saved the stuff

well it was 2 oz so i took a bottle of ISO and poured it inside shook it up let it sit now the stuff is black like bho

is there anyreason i can not cook it down like u would for iso/bho ......then use that stuff to mix into ecigs or mix it back into the tinture

oh the iso is 99.1 % pure


Well-Known Member
well i did and am doing it

i combined the method Snaps told me about along with the ISO and VG .........the peg /EJmix is coming tomorrow


Well-Known Member
why add the iso to something that has already been extracted?

Cooking it down... well now you have the vg in there so not sure what will happen.

Curious to see but my guess is that it will be a mess and hard to know when the iso is fully purged. use the iso on the bud to extract first, then use the emix after it has been purged of the solvent.


Well-Known Member
why add the iso to something that has already been extracted?

Cooking it down... well now you have the vg in there so not sure what will happen.

Curious to see but my guess is that it will be a mess and hard to know when the iso is fully purged. use the iso on the bud to extract first, then use the emix after it has been purged of the solvent.

i distil as a hobby i know the temp the iso will leave at is 187 degrees then i just needed to bring it up to 220 this will purge out all the iso plus the little water that was in it (water boil temp is 212)

from every i read to get it all out of it in a VG tincture u needed to do a 60 day long soak ......we only did the 24 hour one using the temp around 160 to make it pass tho the material and pull it out

patatoe rice pressed it with muslum cloth and got everything we could out of it ............the jar had 2 oz of shit tho it i had 5 bottles of iso here so i did it

cooked half of it down moved to candy mason jar and let the heat lock the top making a vaccum on th stuff inside pulling up what is left


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, I misunderstood you. I thought you added ISO to the VG tincture, not to the bud used to make the tincture.


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude, I misunderstood you. I thought you added ISO to the VG tincture, not to the bud used to make the tincture.
all good it works tho

the iso to the buds that made the tincture is the volume

the bho to the EJmix stuff is the str

so u get a mix of VG and PG mixes with bud goodness