wilting and yellowing, please help


first time grower and im not exactly sure whats going on here. i am growing under cfl bulbs and have not yet starting adding nutrients. plants are two weeks from seed as of this coming saturday. i understand that nutrients are a must and i will be starting them asap. i was just wondering if maybe thats my problem alone or are these symptoms that may be related to other issues. perhaps a light issue or a over/under watering issue. any advice is greatly appreciated
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Well-Known Member
they look fine to me. besides needing water. does the soil you have it in drain good? and what kind is it.
and no its to young to feed


I think there to young for nutes, also what's your watering schedule, light schedule etc.....
lights are on a 24/0 shedulw. i may have been a little over zealous with the water. usually water every other day. but have not wateref for two days thinking that was my problem