OMG 9 Lights - 12 Plants - 15 POUNDS....Damn i'm gettin good at this

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Well-Known Member
lmao yea thats like 18 heavy ounces per plant. stop fakin the funk nigga
think you'll find most ppl are offended by the last word you used!!!!!!!! vile use and abuse of the english language!!!!!!!!!!! no doubt a vile individual!!!
fdd....maybe u should ban this guy??????


Well-Known Member
think you'll find most ppl are offended by the last word you used!!!!!!!! vile use and abuse of the english language!!!!!!!!!!! no doubt a vile individual!!!
fdd....maybe u should ban this guy??????
For using a word? I disagree. How do you know he's not a "nigga" himself?

As a woman, should I be banned for calling another woman "bitch" or "cunt", even though both are considered hateful, derogatory terms that are used against women, to oppress and subjugate?


Well-Known Member
i know what you're saying seamaiden and I take your point but.....bitch is a REAL word used for female cannines!!!!!
cunt IS offensive and used to descibe the female genitalia but neither are racial and NEITHER carry the same disgusting connatations and vile hatred towards other races or creeds. racism needs to and MUST be stamped out!!!!
and i don't care if he is a "nigga" does NOT mitigate it's usage. if ppl want to use this word then fine. go right ahead and use it. just spare a thought for what the word ACTUALLY means, who used it and why it was used in the 1st place.
if a black guy wants to call his "homie" a "nigga" then fine...but don't fucking moan when a white guy uses it!!

a word is either offensive or it isn't!!! it can NOT work both ways.
it's the age old argument:- ART, OR PORN??
and NO!! i'm not black..i just fucking despise bigotry, racism and hate. and use of the word just proliferates the rascism problems by pushing races apart and nOt bringing them together!!!!!!
As Chris Rock once said "there aren't any niggers in africa"!!! and I couldn't agree more.


Well-Known Member
damn this is a shit thread! it went from 15pounds from 12plants to sum bullshit about the enviroment and now its about rasicm it needs to be closed down!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i know what you're saying seamaiden and I take your point but.....bitch is a REAL word used for female cannines!!!!!
cunt IS offensive and used to descibe the female genitalia but neither are racial and NEITHER carry the same disgusting connatations and vile hatred towards other races or creeds. racism needs to and MUST be stamped out!!!!
and i don't care if he is a "nigga" does NOT mitigate it's usage. if ppl want to use this word then fine. go right ahead and use it. just spare a thought for what the word ACTUALLY means, who used it and why it was used in the 1st place.
if a black guy wants to call his "homie" a "nigga" then fine...but don't fucking moan when a white guy uses it!!

a word is either offensive or it isn't!!! it can NOT work both ways.
it's the age old argument:- ART, OR PORN??
and NO!! i'm not black..i just fucking despise bigotry, racism and hate. and use of the word just proliferates the rascism problems by pushing races apart and nOt bringing them together!!!!!!
As Chris Rock once said "there aren't any niggers in africa"!!! and I couldn't agree more.
None of those other issues enter into it. It's about free speech, including speech we dislike. A word can be offensive in one context and perfectly acceptable in another. Bitch is a perfect example.


Well-Known Member
whats up crackers, niggas and bitches. free speech rocks
free speech is about saying your point of view and beliefs.
it is NOT about inciting hatred. for example: saying you "believe and want your country to be inhabited by indiginous ppl only" IS free speech!!!
saying "niggers go home" is NOT free speech!!!!!!!!! wake the fuck up!
or maybe you're just missing the point???


Well-Known Member
free speech is about saying your point of view and beliefs.
it is NOT about inciting hatred. for example: saying you "believe and want your country to be inhabited by indiginous ppl only" IS free speech!!!
saying "niggers go home" is NOT free speech!!!!!!!!! wake the fuck up!
or maybe you're just missing the point???

In america, A "Nigger" is not a black person unless the word is used by a bigot. A "Nigger" is anyone who steals, lies, cheats, or flakes out on his loved ones. (I Already Feel Like A Racist) Now say we were all like "Yo Crackas, Pass The Sunchips" are we promoting racism? Man everyone needs to move on from this racial bs, Black people need to realize were not our slave owning ancestors(actually my great great grandpa was a freed black slave, yet i'm sure i had slave owning ancestry too) rofl everyone should watch the George Carlin thing on Racism its hilarious.kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
don't forget about the Newt as in yea caligrown is a f-ing newt. technically newt stands for north eastern white trash but anyone with the qualities of dried poop can carry this title , anyone who steals, lies like said in previose post


Well-Known Member
dude this thread went everywhere holy hell only stoners can pull something like this off...

whats the next subject to be discussed
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