Is this Nitrogen deficiency, am I underfeeding?


Well-Known Member
I mixed up the nutes again today to test the ppm because it just didn't seem right to be that low and I noticed a tiny 'x10' next to the number :lol: which means my water with nutes was actually 1340ppm yesterday with the runoff at 250ppm, thats normal? I doubled the nutes and I think they're looking a bit better already, more on the greener side rather than yellow.

I've fed them the past two times, do you think I should keep feeding until they look better or just use water next time?
That makes more sense x10 as long as the runoff isnt 250x10 and its just 250 that means your plant is using the nutrients so you should be fine. keep feeding them just keep and eye on it.


Well-Known Member
I might mix my own soil for the next grow or try out other mediums
Go to subcool old school organics and try some supersoil.Its concentrated. Not good for seedlings or fresh clones. Or find some composted cow manure thats good shit.


Well-Known Member
The strain's White Romulan by OGRaskal.
I'm growing in 5 gal airpots with a FFOF/perlite mix. The plants just finished their fourth week in flower and since they're in scrog, i'm not really sure how to get them into normal lighting but in the pics, the darker leaves on top are normal colored and the rest is just very light green.

Everything but the leaf color seems fine, even the buds are developing nicely so I don't think it's anything but a N deficiency, so I'm thinking they just need to be fed more. Just not sure how to feed them right. Do I up the dose of all the nutes or just bloom? or just add in the bio marine to my light feeding sched?
You said that you are using biobloom, if I recall it has a 2-4-4 ratio; also, if the plant is not getting proper
amount of potassium this will cause yellowing, too. check your leaf tips, and edges to detect a deficiency
in this area. The plant is going to go yellow on you mid to late flower, thank senescence for this fiasco.