i made a noob move whats gunna happen now?


Well-Known Member
Here's a plant I had to do the Bic pen/tape trick to (the branch on the right is the one I taped): https://www.rollitup.org/attachments/s1180003-jpg.2740340/

...and a super-duper crop I did as a test (broke the stem through and left it). It healed itself: www.rollitup.org/attachments/s1390004-jpg.2853244/

They survive.

Lots of options to prevent this recurring, like feed her with some silicon, forget the name or better and more risky is put her outside 2-3 times per week, which I prefer ..allow the wind to strengthen the wood! ..but can expose her to bugs? ...and I do bend a plant on average 1 time per grow, but rather like to tape her up with a chopstick or bamboo stick ...lol


Well-Known Member
2 tooth pics use them as a spint with some tape or string .....the straw method works for smaller breaks or struggling seedling but not for a heavy bud ...I think this will suffice..let us no...


Well-Known Member
if it makes you feel any better i split one of my main stalks that was topped at the top Y banana peeled it i staked it and tied it together with a string ...........
needless to say i forgot about it and then i unpacked my closet which i do weekly and the string had been absorbed/ grown into the main stalk half was covered up with bark / stem had to do stoned surgery to remove the string ...... so i guess we are all a bit nooby at times :D


Well-Known Member
See if you look into how the stem / shaft is made you will see that its all hollow, its for this reason I regular ROTFLMAO, whenever I read of noobs getting an air embolism in the stalk of their clone....LOL ..so as you peer into this tunnel you gotta ask wheres the action baby?
The action is in the sides of this tube in the cambium, a very very thin layer of green skin, just under the bark, its here humans have learnt to fuck with, .. in repairing, cloning or even grafting their plants, as the plant ages, it gets bigger, needs more space and air, .. the only way to do this is grow up or out..to remove all that horrid oxygen thats built up around the leaves, ( and gives growers a mild head spin) we know this so trim the roots and have a small fan in there too, for the same effect.
You can say that fixing a broken branch is 101 in cambium manipulation / cloning / grafting / or gardening first aid
Your plant will be fine, avoid squeezing the damage area, and I should think a carbuncle will form(I know not he right word) which if in veg could be a structural weakness come bug, but again you are OK

here is a Carbuncle on buttock of a diabetic patient

Avoid fixing damaged palnts with string or wire as both tekdc911 and me have found to our cost ...lol

credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carbuncle
