My journey

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
nice grow blazin waffles
Thanks Blueberry, i was reading Randy's thread......i think you asked about molasses.
Basically the reason people use it is due to the sugars. Its all natural so you don't have to worry about chemicals. It also has potassium so basically it's plumping your buds up and possiby giving them more flavor due to the way the sugars are broken down and used by the plant!



Well-Known Member
plants are looking great waffles!! I like everyone else cant really tell the sex yet, but when they do show you will have plenty of time to get the males out unless you are planning on pollinating.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
plants are looking great waffles!! I like everyone else cant really tell the sex yet, but when they do show you will have plenty of time to get the males out unless you are planning on pollinating.
Hey thanks HHM. Yeah the sex thing is cool. I'm just impatient. I WANNA KNOW!!!! :mrgreen:

I'm not going to pollinate but i'm not really worried about getting them out quickly. I would like to harvest any males at peak THC so i can pull a Randy and just stay high off the dude(s) till harvest.


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
ok i have a confession to make my buddy twistup04 these are his plants not mine...i just wanted to live through him i guess and decided to lie about everything...once again these are not my plants im just a big loser!...pauls standing right here by the way and hes all about me telling the truth...again im sorry for being worthless

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
nah your kidding right? and if they aren't yours when will you start your own grow.. you have the knowledge!
GOD DAMNIT ...........TWISTUP! I hate your computer! I coulda swore i logged out of there.


Oh BTW this is Blazin and my buddy Twistup is just jealous b/c he saw how my plants were doing after the dark cycle. Its the karma coming back to bite him in the ass. If you go to the first few pages he tried to post some pics. But do to his lack in technical knowledge he can't figure out how to post them to his own journal............fuck your at my work! Thats how you got on. You sneeky bastardo.

Paul you're are an acomplice and will no longer be getting your birthday cupcake!



Well-Known Member
nice!!! I was having a hard time wrapping my head around that one!! but it is a funny fuck you from your friend! kinda shit I like to do to mine!! lol

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
nice!!! I was having a hard time wrapping my head around that one!! but it is a funny fuck you from your friend! kinda shit I like to do to mine!! lol
Me too seeing as though i didn't know he posted until you replied. I came to first unread and it was your response......i was wondering if you were fuckin blitzed already but i went up a post and saw that little scallywag had jacked my shit! But i'm on the way to work so 15 min and i'll be bustin some ass!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
thnx blazin waffles. do i need to mix that in with water or just put it in the soil?
Mix it in with the water.
You may want to ask someone like b thc r+d is his screenname i think. Ask him and he would know. You can also use Apple Juice!!!! DB has used it with great success.........great enough success that it has convinced me to use it for at least one of my plants!!!!


satman rocks

Well-Known Member
Me too seeing as though i didn't know he posted until you replied. I came to first unread and it was your response......i was wondering if you were fuckin blitzed already but i went up a post and saw that little scallywag had jacked my shit! But i'm on the way to work so 15 min and i'll be bustin some ass!

I just woke up,nothing is funny when I first wake up....but this was some funny shit....lmao