Well-Known Member
Change he to she cos Doer is being a dick about it.So even tho he liked his insurance, he doesn't actually get to keep his insurance...or his doctor?
And that thing about the artist above...coverage for $1 a month?
I want to see details of that policy, cos I'd bet $100 that he wouldn't be able to actually afford the treatment itself if he became unwell, just the cheap premiums.
Also, because he chose a shit career that he can't support himself on that means everyone else needs to pay for his health insurance?
I can't believe lefties and centrists hail the ACA...some of the provisions make sense (pre-ex conditions, etc), but Americans still spend on average 4x more for healthcare per capita than countries with nationalised healthcare.
In the UK EVERYTHING is free, you get sick and you don't pay a penny, ever.
Still over twice as cheap as American healthcare and cheaper (as a relative % of GDP) than American military spending.
The ACA isn't the solution, it's a retarded stop gap that gives a massive reach around to insurance companies and little to the public.
My point still stands.