Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.)


Well-Known Member
Around the time we call "Christmas" people do some weird things, they take trees into their houses, like some kind of living altar. And they surround it with items that contain both secrets and happiness for the next generation. But that is not all they do, they also put lights all over their houses. Their are even people who pay other people to take them around slowly and look at lights while they drink Cocoa (Theobromine), Coffee (Caffeine) and Tea (Caffeine/L-theanine) or even beer and wine.

This year I suggest we add some new drinks to the mix. If you have access to Ayahuasca, choose a designated driver, and look at the lights after drinking the tea. If you do not have access to Ayahuasca, try to find magic mushrooms (to boil into tea) which should be in season for a few months (Aug-Nov) in Cow fields as long as the cows are grass fed. Again, choose a designated driver.

There are also research substances that can be bought, sold and traded legally, such as 4-Aco-DMT which breaks down in the stomach the exact same as mushrooms, and DPT which is related to DMT.

This Christmas season, will be Mithras season. One big Synchronized Hyperspace Event, and anyone that puts up lights is participating.
