Politics Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
If you are running a business and paying taxes, you have to have a payroll for yourself. That is the only way to know if you have to report a profit.


Well-Known Member
The resume of a master grower.

- began in a shoebox (that was his house)
- raised by dust mites
- first grow was a 1 inch hermie
- grew in an apt with only 15 amps total
- tried it all
- moved to outside grow
- moved to San Jose, big grow
- moved to CO, bigger, LEGAL grow
- PAYS TAXES for growing kind meds for us

That is the American Dream, Irish. This is a man that rules himself.

to the american dream!



Well-Known Member
If you are running a business and paying taxes, you have to have a payroll for yourself. That is the only way to know if you have to report a profit.
accounting pro tip: except you'd form an s-corp and for the 1st few years show a loss:wink:



Well-Known Member
Yeah, that is the usual way. I had a ChapS for a long time, until they began charging $600 a year license fee. I was a Tech Salary man, by then.

For those that don't know, a business can only run without profit for some of the years, not all of them, like they used to allow.

So, what you do is Generally Accepted Accounting, GAP, to plow back as much money into the business as possible, and minimize the owner salary (which is taxed separate in Chapter S) You use those early years to grow the business into a solid payer, before you give yourself a fat raise.

But, Miss Sky knows much more about this than me, obviously.


Well-Known Member
The guy just admitted he is scared to death of the police because his grow is illegal and you all believe he is paying taxes on it? Bwahaha

Deeper, harder, faster.


Well-Known Member
The guy just admitted he is scared to death of the police because his grow is illegal and you all believe he is paying taxes on it? Bwahaha

Deeper, harder, faster.
he could be collecting, heskank, which has nothing to do with fear of the po-po.

i don't know many people who feel like they'd like to be-friend the average cop.

haven't you heard?..they're not always good people.



Well-Known Member
he could be collecting, heskank, which has nothing to do with fear of the po-po.

i don't know many people who feel like they'd like to be-friend the average cop.

haven't you heard?..they're not always good people.

Yet you chose to marry one... Priceless


Well-Known Member
to the american dream!

more like:

Didn't graduate college, too lazy.
Marries wife because she has few other prospects for marriage, but allows him to remain unemployed and illegally growing and selling treadmills. Has to denounce his religion and enter into a contract to become "jewishy" though, something most jews secretly don't like, but don't want to be seen as discriminatory.
Car given to him by father in law.
Follows only source of income around as she finishes school and becomes employed.
Has 2 interests; growing treadmills and posting on forums calling people racist.
Attracts only two types of people that generally agree with him, the gullible and the stupid.

I'll give him mad props in most other areas though, he is a human being after all and humans have a near infinite amount of redeeming qualities, most are not viewable from a distance though.


Well-Known Member
more like:

Didn't graduate college, too lazy.
Marries wife because she has few other prospects for marriage, but allows him to remain unemployed and illegally growing and selling treadmills. Has to denounce his religion and enter into a contract to become "jewishy" though, something most jews secretly don't like, but don't want to be seen as discriminatory.
Car given to him by father in law.
Follows only source of income around as she finishes school and becomes employed.
Has 2 interests; growing treadmills and posting on forums calling people racist.
Attracts only two types of people that generally agree with him, the gullible and the stupid.

I'll give him mad props in most other areas though, he is a human being after all and humans have a near infinite amount of redeeming qualities, most are not viewable from a distance though.
What is your life story for your 20 - 30 years old?


Well-Known Member
What is your life story for your 20 - 30 years old?
By the time I was 30 I had children, was on my second home, had been in the Marine Corps for 8 years, Graduated Magna Cum Laude from a state university and had a full time job.