Well-Known Member
I trully mean no offense to you, your pals nor the homosexual community but this has to be officially the gayest thread since the invention of the gay pride parade.


Ingenious thoughb imagine how hot itll get in there when your torching up the nail? Fuck how would one fit in there? Barely space for one's ass. Im finding this a very suspicious situation, im disperplexed.


Well-Known Member
You spent $3000, on a couch just to make a fort? free instruction manual too? ..I luv it


Well-Known Member
Myself I like to head out on the boat and fish high..or go riding the ATV threw the of all ...I like when me and the GF get stoned and have a wild night or day alone...nothing better than that....loll
nothing better than blazeing up and go catch some catfish and i too like riding my 4 wheeler while high, i just cruise at a slow pace and enjoy. but you cant beat catfishing w2hile high bro.


Well-Known Member
Myself I like to head out on the boat and fish high..or go riding the ATV threw the of all ...I like when me and the GF get stoned and have a wild night or day alone...nothing better than that....loll
very cant beat a good night in with your gf


Well-Known Member
AHAHAHHA i crap my tits every time i re read this epicness. OP rules guys! Ive never heard such infantile stoning activities so proudly and elequently put. i wish the Bigsby his fucking self stopped being a little pussy and came tear this guy a new one.

HAHAHAH You build a little makeshift ramshackle domicile in your gaff and lure your mates with weed into it to watch the tele, i cant get over it man. I just hope you keep the age of participants equal to yours, substances consumed and activities partaken the same in the future to come.

You sound like a my little pony fan? Is that one of the best things to watch when high?


Well-Known Member
You sound like a my little pony fan? Is that one of the best things to watch when high?
Or are them teletubbies still a thing?
Shit man i just remembered an episode of south park where mr mackey 'mkay shows the class some mareejooana and mr garrisson nicks it and then you see him high as a kite watching the telletubbies inside what appears to be an alleged fort similar to the one youdescribed and are so fond oft... Id be worried if i was becoming that south park character... fuck any south park character. Excpet cartman hes pretty kewl.


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAAHAHAHA Cartman would be the shitties stoner in the whole fucking world, he would be a joker smoker!

Hed definitly be mooching your weed and twatting all the munchies no problem.