1. whether there are "cops" posting here, anyone who would agree to commit injustice against the innocent, for a mere salary and pension, is a piece of shit. This includes all enforcers who enforce unjust laws, and all judges who issue sentences based on those unjust laws. All of them are treasonous terrorists, and need to get what they deserve, sooner rather than later.
2. the NSA exists, and the DEA exists... so whether there are any "cops posting," any and everyone on the planet can browse most forums, including this one, and there's not much anyone can do to prevent any of those aforementioned terrible people from joining a forum under an assumed identity.
3. Almost all internet and telecom traffic is being logged and archived into a massive database in Utah (among others).
Yes, the idea of sharing sensitive information in the presence of a Known Terrible Person, is very disconcerting... but the reality is that anyone could be reading any/all of this, without ever announcing themselves at all. I find that FAR more disturbing, actually. And this is true in most places, except for those who have private membership only, and only invite by member referral. I currently only know of one place doing this, and i'm sure even that has exploitable vulnerabilities.
Aside from /in addition to all that... every server hosted in the U.S. (and probably Canada too, not sure) is lawfully obligated to surrender any requested information upon being issued a court order. Noncompliance has and will lead to website seizure and often deactivation. If they wanted it, they could literally Take it, and there's not much anyone can do about it, except to make sure there are no records... which is probably somehow illegal, just like most potential "obstruction of justice."
See, they make laws they want, regardless of right and wrong, and then they make all of the alternatives and go-arounds illegal as well, kinda like "resisting arrest." If the law is unjust, then the enforcer is in the wrong, and SHOULD be resisted, at ANY cost... but that's "illegal." So no matter what, they have a way to charge everyone with something, somehow, in order to essentially extort everyone who happens to be caught in this land of the allegedly free, and home of the passively enslaved. We can opt out of the slavery, but the cost is being cut off from the benefits of society, which, for most people, means death.
All we can really do, is know who is right and who is wrong, and make your own decision about what to do with your own body, if/when your time for involuntary confrontation arrives. You can either fight and probably die, or submit and probably be forcibly confined for a very long time. I tend to think that a quick death in standing for what's right, is probably better than a long, slow, grueling, agonizing, torturous death, consisting of decades in prison. Some people have too much to lose, and so they'll submit. Others have little to lose, little to gain, and would rather die than submit.
All humans need to immediately stop inflicting injustice upon others, regardless. If they'd stop being treasonous terrorists, we wouldn't have to hate the government and its lackeys anymore.
We could just grow our plants and live our lives in peace.