problem or normal, please help


these plants are 2 and a half weeks into veg. grown in earthgro potting soil under cfl bulbs. i started noticing slight yellowing around the edges of my leafs which slowly got worse. the very bottom two leafs (the first ones from seed) have almost become completely yellow and have started to shrivle up and turn brown. is this normal? could i be over/underwatering? maybe its time to start nutes? please help. first time grow. how would you rate plant condition overall at this age



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it just yet all your new growth looks good,,,iv had some do the same and it never goes any further than the first set? Give it time,,,


Well-Known Member
Earthgro is not a real good soil...used it myself...2 1/2 weeks that soil is used up..add some nutes


Well-Known Member
Yeah about 1/2 strength at first and watch your ph as that earthgro is kinda acidic