Kerry Says "The Bible" is why we must save the Muslims from Global Warming/Climate Change


Well-Known Member

Sorry Rush has to bring this to you....

So last Wednesday Kerry sites the Bible as to why we must save Muslims....

My brain is just over exploded....

Fuck Rush Limbauh... I do not care his opinion...however....

I do care what the Sec of State Mr John Kerry has to say...

You will also...

So, Kerry is a Christian, and basing his daily choices on that fact?

My mind is really blown....


Well-Known Member
Goddamn Rush Limbaugh is a retard
I'll have to disagree. A retard is an adult working at a fast food restaurant and bitching about the pay.

"Rush Limbaugh net worth and salary: Rush Limbaugh is an American conservative radio host and media personality who has a net worth of $400 million. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most popular and highly compensated radio talk show hosts in the world. He earns an annual salary north of $70 million."


Well-Known Member

Sorry Rush has to bring this to you....

So last Wednesday Kerry sites the Bible as to why we must save Muslims....

My brain is just over exploded....

Fuck Rush Limbauh... I do not care his opinion...however....

I do care what the Sec of State Mr John Kerry has to say...

You will also...

So, Kerry is a Christian, and basing his daily choices on that fact?

My mind is really blown....
not every dem is a heathen atheist.

get over it rush..isn't it about that time to take a few more percs?


Well-Known Member
So here is text of edited tape:

Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face, and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in the Scriptures clearly beginning in Genesis. And Muslim majority countries are among the most vulnerable.

Our response to this challenge ought to be rooted in a sense of stewardship of earth, and for me and for many of us here today, that responsibility comes from God.


Well-Known Member
Confronting climate change is, in the long run, one of the greatest challenges that we face,
So far so good John...
and you can see this duty or responsibility laid out in the Scriptures clearly beginning in Genesis.
Oh no... veer back left John... veer back left... you just made a hard born again choice... Nobody ask him about abortion right now...

And Muslim majority countries are among the most vulnerable.
What he meant to say: "My crystal ball was cloudy and I asked the '8' Ball... Desert country's face a dry global drying climate... we must help all people, and the Muslims fall into that ..."

Our response to this challenge ought to be rooted in a sense of stewardship of earth,
OK... for sure Kerry did shrums in the 60's

and for me and for many of us here today, that responsibility comes from God.
Did President Obama, just get an upgrade in rank ?


Well-Known Member
This is straight from your link

$750 million
The Forbes 400 survey estimated in 2004 that Teresa Heinz Kerry had a net worth of $750 million. However, estimates have frequently varied, ranging from around $165 million to as high as $3.2 billion, according to a study in the Los Angeles Times

John Kerry isn't Teresa.
Yes, the Kerry's are worth $750 million

I guess that makes them better people than Rush Limbaugh, right? Or at least "not as retarded"...

What about George Soros ($26.5 billion), Bill Gates ($75 billion), Jon Stewart ($80 million), Leonardo DiCaprio ($220 million)....

Your logic is nonexistent, like usual.


Well-Known Member
So far so good John...

Oh no... veer back left John... veer back left... you just made a hard born again choice... Nobody ask him about abortion right now...

What he meant to say: "My crystal ball was cloudy and I asked the '8' Ball... Desert country's face a dry global drying climate... we must help all people, and the Muslims fall into that ..."

OK... for sure Kerry did shrums in the 60's

Did President Obama, just get an upgrade in rank ?

You're being deliberately obtuse

Kerry is saying "Modern Muslims don't care about science, which makes Muslim majority countries less susceptible to accept inevitable climate change regulations"

I'm nearly certain he threw in the Christianity reference because of the crowd he was speaking to


Well-Known Member
You certainly are an arrogant little shit...
better than being a deluded little shit.

hey OP, i thought you said climate change wasn't happening because we have half the ice that we did 4 years ago?

what happened to that?