Kerry Says "The Bible" is why we must save the Muslims from Global Warming/Climate Change


Well-Known Member
Cue the closeted homo inferences now...

Uncle Zim Zam will be over to post a study about how his fantasies are literally how you picture them...

WOW institutionalized, mother hating minds think alike... :clap:


Well-Known Member
Cue the closeted homo inferences now...

Uncle Zim Zam will be over to post a study about how his fantasies are literally how you picture them...

WOW institutionalized, mother hating minds think alike... :clap:
Wow, meth soaked brains are tiresome to deal with. When you were in the service, how many privates did you actually service?


Well-Known Member
And the plot thickens... I can understand why you didn't get on with your mother. Must be sad knowing she thought that way of you.

Did you resolve those issues before her death?
I know you love the D, skeche eche. You told me yourself. Remember?


Well-Known Member
You're angry at your mom not me little schnookums...

Uncle zim zams flim flamming walrus may be able to help you with counseling if you ask him really nicely


Well-Known Member
better than being a deluded little shit.

hey OP, i thought you said climate change wasn't happening because we have half the ice that we did 4 years ago?

what happened to that?
You are a Liar... I NEVER said that...

Go find the quote you idiot... go on and find it...

Uncle Buck is a Liar....


Well-Known Member
Climate change regulations are inevitable, they're going to happen whether the right accept them or they have to be dragged along kicking and screaming. The same way we did when they wanted to keep creationism in public education.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

-Mahatma Gandhi

We're just about the very end of part three in that quote

Climate science is as solid a science as mathematics. That's why the simplistic analogy "2 + 2 = 5" works when describing climate change deniers. It's as strong as the theory of evolution, not surprisingly another major part of science the same people who deny climate change (conservatives) do...

You guys ever ask yourself how these things are linked? Why you might deny them both? (rhetorical, we both know you don't otherwise you would have put 2 and 2 together.. )

What do they have in common with each other? What do they have in common with other things you deny that mainstream science accepts?

If climate science is as solid as mathematics, why cant any of the ecoloons get their weather models to work according to their predictions?? I know, Reality must be broken....

Reality, she is a real bitch sometimes...


Well-Known Member
If climate science is as solid as mathematics, why cant any of the ecoloons get their weather models to work according to their predictions?? I know, Reality must be broken....

Reality, she is a real bitch sometimes...
Yeah, we've been over that a dozen times. All the models work, all 34 national science academies accept it, the world over acknowledges it. You're a climate change denier, so of course, you deny it, no surprise there..

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Careful, if you lean on uncle bucky to hard, he will cry to the admin and have the thread deleted. He does this more often than one would think.
Just let him do what he does best, which is just this side of nothing and all is well.

Actually, this is quite true. Buck didn't like how I was mocking him about the "Thomas Jefferson face of a rapist thread" and went whining to the mods to delete my posts about muslims raping rapaciously in their realms.

It back fired on him when the mod deleted the whole damn thread. LULZ
