Club 600


Well-Known Member
Stand up for what you believe in.
Never be afraid to admit you are/where wrong.
Be a stand up person. (But you already got that down Jig)

Good to see all you guys again. Doing stuff on the down low right now and moving into a new, fully detached house in the next couple of weeks. I will fill ya's in when it's serious. I have a friend I've been working with here, (his garden is already mature and rolling for a while now) and I'm excited about being able to collaborate with someone else in person. He's been running the Psycho Killer Surprise that the fairy dropped off and that I started and passed on to him. I think this is probably the 4th run off that mother so far. He likes it very much and it's one of my favorites.

He's also running a DJ Short strain Vanniluna and is it ever a very strange growing plant. Cutting after cutting all grow crinkly and weird. I'll try to get a shot of it soon. They still grow and finish with great buds and quality though. Anyone here know or heard anything about this?

(the rain is falling like a bitch right now)


Well-Known Member
two different phenos extrema X mexi bagseed. the one on the left started flowering first and the fastest. I have two others that are about a foot taller than the one on the right.. fat leaves but super tall.. not branchy, single cola.. 4 out of 4 females so I planted two more.. we'll see.. if I get a male probably pollinate the faster flowering pheno on the bottom or something. the genomes are so different the F1s got that kick they are pretty vigorous.. the extrema male father plant was super short and squat bushy with fat leaves. the mother was more like the one on the right but not and beautiful.. lol but tall and non branchy.. cant wait to try the smoke.. haven't gotten to try extrema yet though so nothing to compare..


Well-Known Member
Stand up for what you believe in.
Never be afraid to admit you are/where wrong.
Be a stand up person. (But you already got that down Jig)

Good to see all you guys again. Doing stuff on the down low right now and moving into a new, fully detached house in the next couple of weeks. I will fill ya's in when it's serious. I have a friend I've been working with here, (his garden is already mature and rolling for a while now) and I'm excited about being able to collaborate with someone else in person. He's been running the Psycho Killer Surprise that the fairy dropped off and that I started and passed on to him. I think this is probably the 4th run off that mother so far. He likes it very much and it's one of my favorites.

He's also running a DJ Short strain Vanniluna and is it ever a very strange growing plant. Cutting after cutting all grow crinkly and weird. I'll try to get a shot of it soon. They still grow and finish with great buds and quality though. Anyone here know or heard anything about this?

(the rain is falling like a bitch right now)
I've had Pineapple Express do the same thing, the leaves look like
crape paper but are healthy and happy.
The only thing I can think of is light sensitivity the farther from the lights
the happier they are.


Well-Known Member
my goal was actually to a create a bud that's good for cigar rolling that wont get you retarted but well see about that.
If you can find it try Juanita La Lagrimosa I think it's produced by
Reggae Seeds. A friend use to grow it, it's kind of hazy but nice to smoke.


Well-Known Member
Stand up for what you believe in.
Never be afraid to admit you are/where wrong.
Be a stand up person. (But you already got that down Jig)

Good to see all you guys again. Doing stuff on the down low right now and moving into a new, fully detached house in the next couple of weeks. I will fill ya's in when it's serious. I have a friend I've been working with here, (his garden is already mature and rolling for a while now) and I'm excited about being able to collaborate with someone else in person. He's been running the Psycho Killer Surprise that the fairy dropped off and that I started and passed on to him. I think this is probably the 4th run off that mother so far. He likes it very much and it's one of my favorites.

He's also running a DJ Short strain Vanniluna and is it ever a very strange growing plant. Cutting after cutting all grow crinkly and weird. I'll try to get a shot of it soon. They still grow and finish with great buds and quality though. Anyone here know or heard anything about this?

(the rain is falling like a bitch right now)
Great to hear from you, duchie
Fingers are crossed about the new place.
Glad you are able to still grow somewhere, though, even if it's someone else's op. That's way cool!


Well-Known Member
What a day. I finished up my diy 9 plant DWC system, built a new cloner and took 9 purple paralysis cuttings.

Let'sstart a poll.

On the left are 9 pp cuttings taken today in a diy bubble cloner and on the left are 9 tangilope cuttings taken three weeks ago in a store bought bubble cloner. Which one do you guys think will root first? I have my money on the cloner on the left lol



Well-Known Member
CVT pR0n, anyone???
(Constant Velocity Transmission)
*another 600 first!

Decided to shave some weight off the scooter and get more cool air to the clutch assembly, drive belt and drive variator.
Also means deleting the kickstart but when the battery is dead (only time I'd use it) the fuel pump doesn't operate and it won't start anyways.
So it's all a waste of weight.

Took this all off...


And now it looks like this...


And it was never banished to the backyard (dez, was it?), just made room for moving things around, and I'm now parking it outside in the driveway...





Well-Known Member
Great to hear from you, duchie
Fingers are crossed about the new place.
Glad you are able to still grow somewhere, though, even if it's someone else's op. That's way cool!
Thanks Doobie! No finger crossing needed here. It's a done deal and we were just discussing rooms and set up last night, all the while thinking, "where's the tent going to go?" It's a top priority don't you know. In fact, it's the Mrs pushing me to get things going. She's getting really tired of paying for it and running out. Which brings me to my friend. While he's a really nice, old school, stand up guy, he's not brimming with generosity. He shared what he grew from the original plants but it's cash like everyone else now. Mind you, a lot less than everyone else. He is letting me get my plants vegging up there though so I have a bit of a start when I go. Once we're both running we'll be sharing genetics for more variety, etc.

Love your scooter dude! I'm looking at getting an electric one for next season. In the city now I could easily live with one of those and rent vehicles when I need them.

Anyway, as always, this group is producing top notch ganja! Keep it up guys.

I'm still looking at LED's and I've viewed some DIY vids and thinking of custom building one but so far I've only found bulbs at around $7 per 3W bulb, so a 300W would need $700 for bulbs alone. Not really ahead of the game there am I? Any tips and tricks are welcome. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
I hear that about the cost of buying... been subsisting on dispensary weed while this grow does it's thing.
My first outdoor grow:
(just watered & misted, so they're droopy)

60 days old from sprouting out of the soil, with 59 of those days living outdoors.
Berry Bubble, Matanuska Thunderfuck, and Dog S1.

IMG_9195 _800.JPG

Electric scooter would be great for zipping around in town!
I'm going to be upgrading the clutch on mine this winter to see about squeezing better performance from it.
There's more to be had, but the clutch return spring is too weak, so performance suffers during hill climbs and other select times.
But it's lots of fun to get around on, and I'm getting 100mpg, so wa'eva.