Autoflowering, Slow grow, Yellowing top leaves.


New Member
Hey all, ive got now 5 autos going on, but 2 of them have a problem, they are growing so slow, the top leaves are yellowing between veins and theyve got burned some leaves.
Water them with cal-mag till 0,3 Ec and Bio Grow till 0,5 EC - PH 6.1, im groing in biobizz light mix soil, 250w.
Need some help to know whats happening with them please !



Well-Known Member
How old are they? There are some minor problems but, a lot of my seedling look like shit sometimes, they still pull through, My advice would be wait and see if it gets worse. and don't water or anything for 3 days at least. Unless u see the problem getting worse daily.


Well-Known Member
From what I have read giving them just water is good for about the first 3 weeks. Then nutrients at 1/4 strength. The cotlydon leaves do die off and up to that point they are being fed by those leaves. Again from what reading I have done they don't take well to lots of nutes to transplanting. I have 4 that I am trying for the first time.


Well-Known Member
From what I have read giving them just water is good for about the first 3 weeks. Then nutrients at 1/4 strength. The cotlydon leaves do die off and up to that point they are being fed by those leaves. Again from what reading I have done they don't take well to lots of nutes to transplanting. I have 4 that I am trying for the first time.
Very GOOD grasscropper! I loved that you put" from what I read" research is so important, excellent!

Save your nutes for flower time. Use soils with nutes in them during veg (it makes life so much easier). When seedlings give them seedstarter soil, then next transplant will be soil with fertilizer like Fox Farm Ocean Forest or/and Happy Frog. That should hold you over till flower time. If they have little yellowing here and there thats ok. A lot of yellowing then hit it with some guana and/or nitrogen. They become heavy eaters during flower, sativa strains can act finicky with nutes.


Well-Known Member
Very GOOD grasscropper! I loved that you put" from what I read" research is so important, excellent!

Save your nutes for flower time. Use soils with nutes in them during veg (it makes life so much easier). When seedlings give them seedstarter soil, then next transplant will be soil with fertilizer like Fox Farm Ocean Forest or/and Happy Frog. That should hold you over till flower time. If they have little yellowing here and there thats ok. A lot of yellowing then hit it with some guana and/or nitrogen. They become heavy eaters during flower, sativa strains can act finicky with nutes.
Thanks for the compliment. You see I don't profess to KNOW IT ALL!! I am really learning on all aspects of growing. Be it autos or not. Mine are 3 weeks today. Soil has nutes I it and I will be transplanting into their final 3g fabric pots this weekend or when I see roots out the bottoms of their existing. Because I am transplanting into soil once again that has nutes I will not add any until I see signs of requirement. Does this make sense!?

Johnny Vapor

Well-Known Member
I agree. I also have heard no nutes during veg, along with don't transplant & don't top. LST is OK. I've only grown a few autos, but I followed those principles with good results, indoors in pre-mixed soil. The one time I didn't, I transplanted an 8" auto into my outdoor garden. It didn't develop any further. Yielded about 6g & I threw that in with the budder trim.