Kerry Says "The Bible" is why we must save the Muslims from Global Warming/Climate Change


Well-Known Member
Scientific theory is not based on consensus. You do not have a consensus even if it did no matter how many times you repeat it.

97% of scientists in this small sampling agree that the earth is warming and man has something to do with it. Well, I agree with that too. The amount man has to do with it and whether we can or should change that is still up for debate.
Isn't it cool this conversation is happening in a thread about the bible and global warming?


Well-Known Member
That's precisely what's not up for debate.
Well cool then, how much is attributed to man percentage wise?

Should we continue with ethanol? has ethanol made a difference? If I have to charge my electric car overnight from a coal burning station, how much carbon output am I saving? Is there a consensus you can point me to?

We don't really have a handle on this yet is also an acceptable answer. It doesn't admit defeat.


Well-Known Member
Well cool then, how much is attributed to man percentage wise?

Should we continue with ethanol? has ethanol made a difference? If I have to charge my electric car overnight from a coal burning station, how much carbon output am I saving? Is there a consensus you can point me to?

We don't really have a handle on this yet is also an acceptable answer. It doesn't admit defeat.
You should know, right? I mean, you've got a master of science degree from Michigan, so I guess that makes you a scientist.. because that's how science works... right?



Well-Known Member
You should know, right? I mean, you've got a master of science degree from Michigan, so I guess that makes you a scientist.. because that's how science works... right?

But I don't, and since I fit the criteria of the consensus, I guess that means the consensus doesn't know the answer to those either? I was kind of hoping you would, you present yourself that way. You are allowed to say you don't know either, might lend some credibility. Instead, you choose to attack and deflect.

You've stepped all over your dick trying to portray yourself as anything more than a religious zealot.

Climatology is in it's infancy, there's lots we are still learning and lots we don't know. It really is OK to admit this. What we know, the earth is warming, man is most likely contributing.
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Well-Known Member
Deny the scientific consensus on climate change, and all 5 assessments by the IPCC

You know, the actual science
You miss the part where I repeat over and over that the consensus is that the earth is warming and it's very likely that man is contributing? Because that's exactly what the consensus states. Or did you miss the part where I said the data is very convincing to me? Sounds like denial to you? wow

I sense frustration young Jedi.

We know what we know, we are trying to figure out what we don't know. If you can't admit you don't know, you never will. (I channeled Doer for that tidbit)


Well-Known Member
If climate science is as solid as mathematics, why cant any of the ecoloons get their weather models to work according to their predictions?? I know, Reality must be broken....

Reality, she is a real bitch sometimes...
you are not qualified to speak about reality, thumbellina.



Well-Known Member
All of the models work? They all agree? That is wierd.... Why would there be multiple models if they all agree?? Oh wait, this is a religion, not science!! Lets not acknowledge the leader of the movement sold his failed TV station to a terrorist organization backed by oil money. He is such a model citizen.
al jazeera is not a terrorist organization, you dumb shit. it's a TV network.

more "failed" models.



Well-Known Member
We have less than 100 years of solid weather data and most of it is biased by local testing methods.
we have 10,000+ years of CLIMATE data, ditto CO2.

CO2 has been steady at ~280 PPM for thousands of years, suddenly shooting up to ~400 PPM in the last 100 years.

say,- what happens when CO2 levels increase? wanna handle that one, princess?


Well-Known Member
we have 10,000+ years of CLIMATE data, ditto CO2.

CO2 has been steady at ~280 PPM for thousands of years, suddenly shooting up to ~400 PPM in the last 100 years.

say,- what happens when CO2 levels increase? wanna handle that one, princess?
Do you have a CO2 meter? I assure you, the reading you would get outside would be nowhere near 400 PPM... The average is like 250-280 outside. which would correspond to well.. what it has been for thousands of years...


Well-Known Member
Do you have a CO2 meter? I assure you, the reading you would get outside would be nowhere near 400 PPM... The average is like 250-280 outside. which would correspond to well.. what it has been for thousands of years...
It's at about 400, Buck has it right.
Normal variance is anywhere from 200-400 PPM, in the last 50 years it has risen by .01%