Kerry Says "The Bible" is why we must save the Muslims from Global Warming/Climate Change


Well-Known Member
there is no apostrophe in "blows" or "its".

apostrophes indicate possession.

please remedy your 3rd grade grammar errors before attempting to outsmart the world's leading climatologists.
The leading climatologists are outsmarted every day by mother nature... They are nothing more than shamen worshiping a god that doesnt care...


Well-Known Member
The leading climatologists are outsmarted every day by mother nature... They are nothing more than shamen worshiping a god that doesnt care...
that must be why their models from 30+ years ago are spot on accurate with observed reality.


Well-Known Member
Can't speak for all of them, but the ones I looked at did.

I've never seen you report that variance though. Every report you have posted that I've noticed (I can't claim to read them all) shows a static number that is the high end of that variance.

Why is that Pad? Why wouldn't you include the variance in your arguments, were unaware or just purposefully misleading?
The sources I cite (IPCC) already account for that, just like I just said.


Well-Known Member
going from a 0.3% atmospheric concentration to a 0.4% atmospheric concentration is a 33% increase.
Yes, but the atmosphere only increased by .01%

IF you have 1 penny and I give you another penny, You have now increased your pennies by 1, but your wealth by 100%, now you you went from poor to ultra wealthy right?

Likewise, the amount of increase is insignificant compared to the overall picture, just as the 100% increase in wealth really did NOTHING to your actual overall amount of pennies you had when it comes to being wealthy.


Well-Known Member
lol, the skewed polls guy is calling other people delusional.


can't decipher simple polling data, has the complex climate data all buttoned down.

All I see is blah, blah, blah, broken record, why do I suck at basic math, blah, blah, blah.


Well-Known Member
I simply don't want to waste my time on people like you

You don't matter, the scientific consensus matters

And that's something you're going to have to learn to deal with
Reading between your lines....
Well... if you don't understand simple math, how to count, and such....
Of course you wont waste your time, you can't understand "LOGIC"....
Math logic, is beyond your comprehension...

Here is a simple math problem for you to solve [I even made it multiple choice to help you out]

100 Scientist were asked for their opinion on climate change
10 Scientist responded to the question with their opinion
9 out of the 10 said that man contributed to global warming/climate change

What percentage of scientists agree on global warming is man caused?

A-90% agree climate is man made and caused
B-9.9% agree climate is man made and caused
C-9% agree climate is man made and caused

Every time.... EVERY Single TIME someone says there is a scientist consensus it just proves, they are idiots that can't understand simple math....


Well-Known Member
You are like a dishonest child who got his feelings hurt.

Did you really just run to buck to save you? pathetic man, pathetic.

Was NoDrama right about the variance? Is the high end of the variance used in an emotional argument to prove a point? That's the kind of thing I'm talking about that's not helping.
No.... that was Ultra p...a...t...h...e...t...i...c........


Well-Known Member
Yes, but the atmosphere only increased by .01%

IF you have 1 penny and I give you another penny, You have now increased your pennies by 1, but your wealth by 100%, now you you went from poor to ultra wealthy right?

Likewise, the amount of increase is insignificant compared to the overall picture, just as the 100% increase in wealth really did NOTHING to your actual overall amount of pennies you had when it comes to being wealthy.
No, do not use logic, and simple math to try to convince...
"They" do not understand a simple math problem... your logic just confuses them....


Well-Known Member
Since your familiarity with the subject is apparently greater than anyone else, can you show me where in the WG reports the mechanism by which CO2 "heats"
the atmosphere is explained in grisly detail?

CO2 BBR Utopia Doom.jpg
If only we could get back to the happy chart.