Members telling me my plants are hermies?


Well-Known Member
A herm would have both X and Y chromosones is how herms are described.

Its kind of like a fuck up of nature where both X and Y or male and female are present instead of the two alternatives which we all know are all male or all female.

The same for plants, people, worms, people etc .

There is only one term and way somthing can be hemaphodite and if you confuse this your terming yourself as a male a hemaphodite instead.

I hope your seeing this major point in science.

These chromosomes cause the body or plant to assume either male or female through hormone production, we all know what testosterone is right! Well a hemaphrodite would have testosterone and oestrogen caused by having the X and Y or male and female whereby X produces testosterone and Y produces oestrogen.

Now we are just blueprints to build both and the chromosomes are the activators to tell our bodies which hormone to produce to become either male or female.

So yes we all carry the ability to produce a penis and vagina as do plants, but we are not hermies were men or women, hermies os different as we see.

So just because plants are simpler they are probably more susceptible to fucking up and stress or collodial silver can activate the production of the male hormone. I could give a woman testosterone but she still remains 100% female even though she has the odd bannana, i mean moustach and deeper voice etc.

I hope you can understand that anything else bar this isnt science, genetics or botanny or right to say and this point would be a big point in a lab or such.

A woman with a tiny moustach as a plant with the odd bananna is not a herm but just a female.

Who are you to declare what other people see? That's as retarded as it gets.

I can't be bothered to read the big debate, all I've seen it this.

"How does a supposed herm pass on the male part when it has none!"

Lol. Out of curiosity, how do you define a supposed herm?
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Well-Known Member
Yep id question why your here too, i was asking for someone in the field of genetics and biology, another thing that dosent make sense!!!


Well-Known Member
Yep i did which is why i have to question what you growers are saying !!!

Had you come up with a decent answer i might have come round to your way of thinking (not wanting to be single minded) but you didnt so bore off already and your not the type of growers i want to associate with lest you fuck my grow up...

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Yep i did which is why i have to question what you growers are saying !!!

Had you come up with a decent answer i might have come round to your way of thinking (not wanting to be single minded) but you didnt so bore off already and your not the type of growers i want to associate with lest you fuck my grow up...
Are you mainliner??


Well-Known Member
After the years since i studied maybe genetics had opened up new lines of research and proved new posibilities.

Why i asked really, didnt want your defunct explanation but a reason not to think your shit at this.

A lot will understand what i have written and find your explanations defunct!!!!

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
Dude, I only had to read one page to know that 2hearts lets ego get in the way of reason. way to ruin your own thread Jackwagon.

FYI- Cannabis a fricking weed and just like everything else that contains life, its sole reason of living is to procreate. this might help explain your Moms excuse of spreading her legs and making you.

This is the reason that stress causes hermie, plant freaks and dna tells it to procreate. Equatorial sativa's contain this, and is not a product of stress, perhaps at one point yes, but no longer. Some of the best strains in the world contain this dna, whether it be landrace or flawed breeding, and this is why it pops up. diversity is the key to vigor and improved profiles.

youre over analyzing it. you are not going to get a scientific answer from a scientist, because they have better things to do, and quite frankly you dont deserve their effort.

What take a semester of biology at the community college and think you have background in genetics? study and epitomize Chimera, and learn yourself something.


Well-Known Member
Are you mainliner??
Whats with the accusations now? I know nobody here and i doubt any of you were here last time i had a profile.

All this is irrelevant as i doubt i will post much here past my uk soil thread of which i can find countless posts with the same problem and that is a lot of uk soils are a bit hot for many strains (again there will be those that disagree but its more constructive that the three or four other threads ive been involved in.

I guess its all gametes to me.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Whats with the accusations now? I know nobody here and i doubt any of you were here last time i had a profile.

All this is irrelevant as i doubt i will post much here past my uk soil thread of which i can find countless posts with the same problem and that is a lot of uk soils are a bit hot for many strains (again there will be those that disagree but its more constructive that the three or four other threads ive been involved in.

I guess its all gametes to me.
I agree newbs will definitely find it harder to sprout seeds in soil with nutrients in it.. i suggest you use Rockwell or seed starter soil till you gain some familiarity with the plant!


Well-Known Member
Dude, I only had to read one page to know that 2hearts lets ego get in the way of reason. way to ruin your own thread Jackwagon.

FYI- Cannabis a fricking weed and just like everything else that contains life, its sole reason of living is to procreate. this might help explain your Moms excuse of spreading her legs and making you.

This is the reason that stress causes hermie, plant freaks and dna tells it to procreate. Equatorial sativa's contain this, and is not a product of stress, perhaps at one point yes, but no longer. Some of the best strains in the world contain this dna, whether it be landrace or flawed breeding, and this is why it pops up. diversity is the key to vigor and improved profiles.

youre over analyzing it. you are not going to get a scientific answer from a scientist, because they have better things to do, and quite frankly you dont deserve their effort.

What take a semester of biology at the community college and think you have background in genetics? study and epitomize Chimera, and learn yourself something.
Chimera.... Ok dude lolol i been there already but dont remember you....lolol thats funny +Rep for you


Well-Known Member
I agree newbs will definitely find it harder to sprout seeds in soil with nutrients in it.. i suggest you use Rockwell or seed starter soil till you gain some familiarity with the plant!

I did consider this when i first started and run a few to which i got best results adding a mild seedling fert but i love soil too much.

I was thinking that i use to run a lot of perlite in but always cut my flowering soil with seedling soil.

I get bored quick and after hps i want to re run my flouro days but crank up to 800w and over.

I still have my 6inch ruck high powered inline with the 5 speed variac i attached, i will run a pic up as was really proud of that badboy in the day, it could really suck.

I read a thread on voltage stepping and hum and saw uk growers recomending them for cooltubes etc but they were pricey back then and had to save for ages.


Well-Known Member
I did consider this when i first started and run a few to which i got best results adding a mild seedling fert but i love soil too much.

I was thinking that i use to run a lot of perlite in but always cut my flowering soil with seedling soil.

I get bored quick and after hps i want to re run my flouro days but crank up to 800w and over.

I still have my 6inch ruck high powered inline with the 5 speed variac i attached, i will run a pic up as was really proud of that badboy in the day, it could really suck.

I read a thread on voltage stepping and hum and saw uk growers recomending them for cooltubes etc but they were pricey back then and had to save for ages.
Wait, Are Edward Vanhalen?